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Saturday, 21 March 2015

MAHADISCOM Recruitment 2015 For chief legal advisor

About MAHADISCOM: Mahavitaran or MahaDiscom (Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited or MSEDCL) is located at Mumbai city and it is a public sector undertaking (PSU) restricted by the state government of Maharashtra and it is the second largest electricity sharing utility in the world after State Grid Corporation of China. MAHADISCOM head office is located at- Dharavi Road, Matunga, Mumbai- 400 019, Maharashtra. 
Educational Qualification: candidates must have graduate degree in law from any recognized university or its equivalent with 07 years experience of Senior Advocate/ District Judge or 15 years experience as practicing lawyer. 
Age limit: candidate those who are applying for MAHADISCOM Chief Legal Advisor age should be less than 65 years as on the submission of application.
Application Fee: Aspirants have to pay application fee of Rs. 600/- through Demand Draft payable to “Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited” drawn at any Nationalized Bank payable at Mumbai. Applicants have to write his full name on backside of Demand Draft.
Selection Mode: selection of candidates is based on their performance in the personal interview which was conducted by organization.
Pay Scale: selected candidates would be given a pay scale of Rs.45900-1950-88800 per month along with all allowance as per the rules of the company.
How to apply: all eligible and appropriate candidates have to download the application form from the official website and fill it with all necessary details and send that application to the mentioned address along with all educational supporting certificates and DD to the below mentioned address or before the last date 6th April 2015.
Postal Address:
General Manager (HR-Planning),
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited,
Estrella Batteries Expansion Building, Ground Floor,
Dharavi Road, Matunga, Mumbai- 400 019.
Important date to remember:
Last date to reach the application form: 6th April 2015
Personal interview will be held on: During month of April, 2015
 Official Notification
 Apply Online applications at official website 

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