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Saturday, 21 March 2015

DGCEI Recruitment notification 2015 For 26 Intelligence Officer posts

DGCEI Recruitment notification 2015 for Intelligence Officer : Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence (DGCEI) has issued the latest recruitment notification for the recruitment of 26 vacant posts, so in order to fill up these vacancies with appropriate and eligible candidates DGCEI has announced the latest recruitment notification and inviting applications from all the eligible and appropriate candidates so aspirants those who are willing and satisfy the eligible criteria can apply for these posts through offline such as candidates have to register from official website of www.dgcei.nic.in candidate have to send their filled application and all details such as recent bio-data, and all educational certificates, experience etc. to the mentioned address on or before the last date 20th April 2015 such as candidates have to register their application form 17th march 2015 to 20th April 2015 and for more details like age limit, application fee, education qualification, application process, selection process, and important dates are given below. 

DGCEI Recruitment Notification 2015 details:

Total number of posts available: 26 posts

Name of the post:
Sr. Intelligence Officer: 08 Posts
Intelligence Officer: 18 Posts

Job Location: Chennai
Educational Qualification: applicants must be passed Officers of equivalent grades of customs or central excise and service tax.

For Sr. Intelligence Officer: candidates must be a officers of equivalent grades of customs/ central excise and service tax

For Intelligence Officer: candidates must be officers of equivalent grades of customs/ central excise and service tax.

Age Limit: the organization would not mention any age limits but SC/ST/PWD applicable as per government guidelines

Pay scale: selected candidates will be given a salary as mentioned below.
For Sr. Intelligence Officer: Pay band of Rs. 9300-34800/- + Grade pay Rs. 4800/ to 5400/-
For Intelligence Officer: Pay band of Rs. 9300-34800/- + Grade pay Rs. 4600/- to 4800/-

Application Mode: candidates have to apply through offline.

Selection Process: candidates will be selected based on the performance in the personal interview which was conducted by the organization.

Application Fee: there is no application fee.

How to apply: All the interested and eligible candidates have to send their full details such as recent bio-data, and all educational certificates, experience etc. to the below mentioned address on or before the last date 20th April 2015.

Address to send the application: Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence Chennai Zonal Unit, C-3, C- Wing, II Floor, Rajaji Bhavan, Besant Nagar, Chennai -600090.

Important dates for DGCEI Recruitment-2015:
Last date for submission of application 20th April 2015.

Official notification Available here
Apply Online at www.dgcei.nic.in 

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