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Saturday, 21 March 2015

UPPSC PCS Admit Card / Hall Ticket Download 2015 For Upper Subordinate Exam

UPPSC PCS Admit Card / Hall Ticket Download 2015: UPPSC PCS- Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has released hall tickets for the Provincial Civil Service Pre exam for the year of 2015. It has been conducting Upper Subordinate exam for the recruitment of 470 posts. The admit card is released on 15-03-2015. So the candidates can download their hall ticket as soon as possible.

This year there are many students who have applied for this post. The candidates of Uttar Pradesh can only apply for this post. The students who have applied for this post can only download their hall tickets and can write the written examination. The entrance exam is going to be held on 29-03-2015 all over the state of Uttar Pradesh. The students can download the UP pre exam hall ticket from the official website uppsc.up.nic.in

About Admit card:
The Candidate must fill the application form with correct details. Without the admit card, no candidate will be allowed to write the exam. An admit Card contains the information which is essential for the students at the time of exams.

Details of Examination:
Name of the examination: UPPSC PCS exam
Information about: downloading hall ticket
Exam date: 29-03-2015

Procedure to UPPSC PCS Exam 2015 download hall ticket:

All the candidates who are willing to attend the examination must follow the below mentioned steps to download the Admit Card

Candidates should logon to the official website. Then can click the link titled as UP PSC PCS Exam 2015 Admit card. After that they should enter the essential details such as registration number & date of birth. Then click on to the download admit card button to proceed further. Then the Admit card will be generated and displayed on screen. The students need to save the admit card and take a printout of it for future reference. If the details are not properly entered, it is not possible for the candidate to download the hall ticket.

So it is suggested to all the candidates, that they should go through the hall ticket once before going to the examination hall as the particulars about venue and all details will be given in the hall ticket.

For further details the candidates can go through the official website 

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