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Monday, 16 March 2015

HAL Kanpur Recruitment 2015 For 7 posts

Total number of available posts: 7 posts
Name of the post: general duty medical officer, pediatrician, dermatologist, dentist, radiologist
Job location: Kanpur 
Distribution of posts: 
Dentist: 2 posts
General Duty Medical Officer: 2posts
Pediatrician: 1 post
Radiologist: 1 post
Dermatologist: 1 post
Age limit: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Kanpur has not mentioned any age criteria. 
Education qualification:
For Dentist: candidates must have passed BDS degree or its equivalent
For General Duty Medical Officer: candidates must have MBBS degree or its equivalent
For Pediatrician: candidates must have MBBS degree with MD/ DCH or its equivalent
For Radiologist: candidates must have MBBS degree with MD/ DMRD or its equivalent
For Dermatologist: candidates must have MBBS degree with MD/ Diploma in concerned discipline or its equivalent 
Selection process: aspirants would be selected based on their performance in the personal interview.
How to apply: aspirant those who are willing to apply for these vacancies must submit the application through offline to the below mentioned address along with all necessary certificates on or before the final date of 25th march 2015 
To Chief Medical Superintendent (CMS) Medical Department Transport Aircraft Division Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Chakeri, Kanpur (UP) 20800
Important dates to remember: 
Last date for the submission of application: 25th march 2015.

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