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Monday, 16 March 2015

Scooters India Limited Recruitment 2015 For 181 Mechanic Auto Electrical

Number of available posts: 181 vacancies
Name of the Posts:
Trade Apprentices: 146 posts
1. Fitter: 16
2. Turner: 14
3. Machinist: 10
4. Electrician: 12
5. M.W: 04
6. Foundry man: 10
7. Instrument Mech: 02
8. Draughtsman Mech: 04
9. Welder (G&E): 16
10. Mechanic Diesel: 20
11. TDM: 04
12. M.V: 20
13. Carpenter: 02
14. Machinist Grinder: 05
15. Refrigeration & Air Cond: 02
16. Painter (General): 05
Trade Apprentices (Centre of Excellence): 35 posts
17. Mechanic Automobile (Advance Diesel Engine): 10
18. Mechanic Automobile (Advance Petrol Engine): 10
19. Mechanic Auto Electronics: 05
20. Mechanic Auto Electrical: 05
21. Mechanic (Domestic Commercial Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Machine): 05
Age Limit: Candidates age should be less than 35 years and age relaxation is applicable as per the government norms.
Educational Qualification: Candidates those who are applying for these posts must have ITI certificate or its equivalent certificates in any related trade or degree from any recognized University.
Selection Procedure: Candidates will be appointed based on their performance in the personal interview.
Pay Scale: selected candidates will be given a pay scale as per the Act-1961 per month.
How to apply: all interested candidates may send their application in a prescribed format along with all relevant certificates and application should reach the official address 
To The Dy. Manager (HR), Scooters India Limited, PO: Sarojini Nagar, Lucknow (UP)-226008 within 21 days from the date of official advertisement i.e. around 30th march 2015.

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