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Monday, 23 March 2015

UPSRTC Recruitment 2015 For 155 Conductor Jobs Online Applications from www.upsrtc.com

UPSRTC Recruitment 2015 For 155 Conductor Jobs Online Applications from www.upsrtc.com:
UPSRTC- Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation has released the recruitment notification for the year 2015. It invites applications from the eligible and interested candidates for the posts of Conductors. There are total of 155 posts. The selected candidates will have to work in Uttar Pradesh state.
UPSRTC is a government of Uttar Pradesh undertaking and responsible for Road transport services in the state of Uttar Pradesh. So all the interested and residents of UP state can apply in online from the official website of UPSRTC www.upsrtc.com The application process will be starting from 30th March 2015 on wards and closes by 5th April 2015. The vacancies can be filled for the following four regions such as Aligarh, Moradabad, Bareilly and Saharanpur regions. 
More information regarding the recruitment in UPSRTC, education criteria, age limit, number of posts, how to apply, selection process, important dates and important links are given under in this website for the reference of applicants. 

UPSRTC Recruitment 2015 Details:

Name of organization:UPSRTC - Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation
Name of state: Uttar Pradesh 
Total vacancies: 155 posts
Job designation: Conductor
Name of region and Number of Posts:

  • Region               General   SC     ST     OBC

  • Aligarh               21              9       1       12
  • Moradabad     33              14     1       18
  • Bareilly              23              10     1       12
  • Saharanpur      31              13     1       16
Education qualification:
The applicants should possess Intermediate or equivalent can apply for the above mentioned vacancies.
Age Limit :
The interested candidates should possess the age limit between 18 to 40 years are eligible to apply for Conductor posts in UPSRTC. 
Age relaxation is applicable for SC, ST and PWD candidates of Uttar Pradesh.
Scale of Pay:
The selected candidate for the post of conductor will be paid Rs 1.17 per Kilometer.
How to apply:
All the interested and eligible applicants for the post of conductor can apply in online form the official website of UPSRTC www.upsrtc.com from 30th march 2015 to 5th april 2015. No other means of applications are accepted.
Important dates to remember:
Start date of applications in Online: 30th march 2015
Closing date of Online applications:5th april 2015

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