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Thursday, 2 April 2015

SAIL Bokaro Recruitment 2015 For 124 Attendant Cum Technician at www.sail.co.in

SAIL Bokaro Recruitment Notification 2015: Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Bokaro Steel Plant has released the recruitment notification for the recruitment of 124 vacant posts of attendant cum technician (act) trainee, so in order to fill up all these vacancies with suitable candidates SAIL has issued the notification on 30th March 2015 and welcoming applications from all eligible and appropriate candidates, so aspirants those who are willing to apply for these vacancies can submit the application form through online where the application forms are available on the official website so register your application form from 30th March 2015 to 27th April 2015 where application forms are available on the official website at www.sail.co.in and after the completion of application registration candidates have to take conformation page and for more details like age limit, educational qualification, application process, selection process, application fee and important dates are given below. 

SAIL Attendant Cum Technician  Bokaro Recruitment 2015 

Total number of available posts: 124 posts
Name of the post: attendant cum technician (act) trainee
Distribution of posts: 
UR: 58 Posts
OBC: 24 Posts
SC: 13 Posts
ST: 29 Posts
PWD: 04 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates age should be less than 28 years as on 01-10-2014 and age relaxation would be applicable as per the government rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed matriculation or PSU sponsored, ITI passed or candidates have undergone at least one year’s training in an integrated steel plant.
Selection Process: aspirants will be selected based on their performance in written test and personal interview.
Application Fee: all general, OBC candidates need to pay Rs.150/- as application and processing fee and Rs.50/- as processing fee for locally displaced persons, in the form of pay in slip (sbi challan) paid at any specially opened sbi power jyoti current account no. 31877168126 on behalf of sail/ bokaro steel plant. The pay in slip (sbi challan) may be downloading from the official website and no fee for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates.
Pay scale: selected candidates would be given a salary as mentioned below
For the first year: 8600/-
For the second year: 10000/-
How to Apply: all interested and eligible candidates can apply for these vacancies through online, where the applications are available at SAIL’s website www.sail.co.in from 30-03-2015 to 27-04-2015. After applying online, take the print out of system generated filled registration slip & pay in slip with unique registration number and other necessary details for further usage.
Important dates for SAIL Bokaro Recruitment 2015:
Starting date for submitting online applications: 30-03-2015
Closing date for submitting online applications: 27-04-2015.

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