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Saturday, 21 March 2015

Directorate Sports and DSYWMP Youth Welfare Recruitment 2015 For 159 posts


Total number of available posts: 159 posts
Name of the post: coach co administrator, assistant coach, contracts district sports instructor grade-i, chief instructor co administrator, contracts district sports instructor grade-ii, fitness trainer, security guard, computer operator and contracts rural youth coordinator etc. 
Job location: Madhya Pradesh
Age limit: candidates those who are applying for these vacancies age should be between 21 years to 40 years as on the submission of application form.
Post Name 
Number of posts 
Educational Qualification 
Chief Instructor Co Administrator 01 Post 
Graduate degree or its equivalent 
Assistant Coach 04 Post 
Graduate degree or its equivalent 
Coach Co Administrator 01 Posts 
Graduate degree or its equivalent along with diploma in connected field 
Instructor Grade- I 05 Posts 
Graduate degree or its equivalent along with Diploma in related field 
Contracts District Sports Instructor Grade-II  1 post 
Graduate degree or its equivalent along with Diploma in related field 
Contracts District Sports Instructor Grade-I 30 posts 
Graduate degree or its equivalent along with Diploma in related field 
Assistant Trainer Grade- II 05 Posts 
Graduate degree or its equivalent along with Diploma in related field 
Physio Therapist / Fitness Trainer 01 Post 
Post graduate degree in Physio Therapist/ Sports injury/ MPT in Rehabilitation therapy 
Fitness Trainer 01 Post 
Graduation degree or Diploma in any related field 
Physio Therapist 01 Post 
Post graduate degree in Physio Therapist/ Sports injury/ MPT in Rehabilitation therapy/ 
Ground men 09 Posts 
Candidates must have passed class 12th/ HSC or its equivalent examination 
Security Guard 07 Posts 
Candidates must have passed class 12th/ HSC or its equivalent examination 
05 Posts 
Candidates must have passed 5th or its equivalent examination 
13 Posts 
Candidates must have passed 5th or its equivalent examination 
Assistant Librarian 
01 Posts 
Graduate degree or its equivalent with diploma in computer application 
Computer Operator 
04 Post 
Graduate degree or its equivalent with diploma in related field 
02 Posts 
Candidates must have passed 5th or its equivalent examination 
04 Posts 
Candidates must have passed 5th or its equivalent examination 
01 Post 
Candidates must have passed 12th/ HSC or equivalent examination
Contracts Rural Youth Coordinator 63 Post 
Candidates must have passed 8th or its equivalent examination with valid driving license holder 
Driver  01 Posts 
Candidates must have passed 12th/ HSC or its equivalent examination 
Pay scale: candidates those who have selected for these vacancies for these posts would be given salary from 2000/- to 22500/- per month according to the post.
Selection process: aspirants those would be selected based on their performance in the written exam and personal interview. 
How to apply: all interested and eligible candidates must download the applications from the official website and send that filled applications to the mentioned address on or before the last date of 31st march 2015 
To DSYWMP head office Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
Official website at www.dsywmp.gov.in.
Official Notification available here 

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