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Saturday, 21 March 2015

NCB Recruitment 2015 for 7 Surveillance Assistant and Operator Posts

NCB Recruitment 2015 for 7 Surveillance Assistant and Operator Posts www.narcoticsindia.nic.in:
NCB Known as Narcotics Control Bureau has released the recruitment notification for the year 2015. It is inviting applications from the eligible candidates for surveillance Assistant and Operator posts. There are total of 7 vacancies. The applicants can apply in offline mode from the official website of NCB www.narcoticsindia.nic.in from 4th March 2015 onwards up to 60 days from the date of advertisement.
Narcotics Control Bureau is under government of India , Ministry of Home Affairs. It is intending to fill up the existing and anticipated vacancies in the grade of Surveillance Assistant on deputation basis in the Bureaus Head quarters and zonal offices. The places includes Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Jodhpur, Chandigarh, Jammu, Ahmedabad and Patna. So interested aspirants can apply for the vacancies in the prescribed format before last date. 
More details about the name of cadre, number of posts, application fee, selection process, how to apply, age limit, education criteria and important dates are prescribed in this website for the quick reference of candidates.

NCB Recruitment 2015 Details:

Name of organization: Narcotics Control Bureau
Job Location: 
The selected candidates will be posted to one of the following offices of NCB ,
For Surveillance Assistant:
Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Jodhpur, Chandigarh, Jammu, Ahmedabad and Patna.
For Operator Telecommunications :
Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Jodhpur, Jammu and Ahmedabad
Total Posts: 7 vacancies
Post Requirement and Number of Vacancies:
Surveillance Assistant: 3 posts 
Operator Telecommunications: 4 posts 
Education Criteria:
Surveillance Assistant: Class 12 pass or HSC or equivalent exam in Science .
Operator Telecommunications: Grade II Radio Operator from Central Armed Para Military Forces or equivalent.
Age limit:
The applicants should possess the age less than 56 years can apply for the above posts.
Hiring Process:
The applicants will be recruited through Written exam and Interview conducted by officials.
More information can be found in the advertisement.
Offered salary:
The selected candidates will be paid salary as given below:
Surveillance Assistant: Pay band Rs 5200 to Rs 20200 with GP of Rs 2400
Operator Telecommunications: Pay band Rs 5200 to Rs 20200 with GP of Rs 2800
How to apply:
The applicants who are interested to apply for the above mentioned posts can apply in offline mode by downloading the application form from the website of  www.narcoticsindia.nic.in  from 4th march 2015 onwards.
Important dates to remember:
Start date of applications: 4th march 2015
Closing date of applications: Within 60 days freom advertisement date 
Detailed Notification:

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