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Saturday, 21 March 2015

BEL Bangalore Recruitment 2015 for 33 Engineer Posts

BEL Bangalore Recruitment 2015 for 33 Engineer Posts at www.bel-india.com: BEL Known as Bharat Electronics Limited has released the recruitment notification for the year 2015. It is inviting applications from the eligible candidates for various posts on contract basis for the project. There are total of 33 vacancies. The applicants can apply in online mode from the official website of BEL www.bel-india.com from 19th March 2015 onwards till 26th April 2015.
BEL is India’s premier Navratna Defence Electronics Company. The head office is located at Bangalore and is inviting applications from the eligible engineers for the project implemented by smart cards division of components SBU for Bangalore unit. So interested aspirants can apply for the vacancies in online mode before last date. Applications are accepted only when the fee is deposited in the bank up to prescribed last date for Fee submission.
More details about the name of cadre, number of posts, application fee, selection process, how to apply, age limit, education criteria and important dates are prescribed in this website for the quick reference of candidates.

BEL Recruitment 2015 Details:

Name of organization: BEL- Bharat Electronics Limited
Job Location: Bangalore 
Total Posts: 33 vacancies
Post Requirement and Number of Vacancies:
Date center and Application Development- 19 posts
Technical Support and Development- 8 posts
Project Coordination and Logistics- 6 posts
Education Criteria:
The applicants should possess first class in BE or B tech , MCA , MSC from recognized university can apply for these vacancies.
The applicants should possess required experience in My Sql/ My Sql server or Oracle and RDBMS.
Age limit:
The applicants should possess the age less than 25 years.
Hiring Process:
The applicants will be recruited through Written exam and Interview conducted by officials.
More information can be found in the advertisement.
Offered salary:
The selected candidates will be paid salary as given below:
For Date center and Application Development- Rs 18000 per month
Technical Support and Development- Rs 21000 per month 
Project Coordination and Logistics- Rs 18000 per month 
How to apply:
The applicants who are interested to apply for the above mentioned posts can apply in online mode from the website of www.bel-india.com from 19th march 2015 onwards till 26th april 2015.
Important dates to remember:
Start date of online applications: 19th march 2015
Closing date of applications: 26th april 2015.

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