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Saturday, 21 March 2015

UPPSC Recruitment 2015 for 1655 Teaching, Officer Posts

UPPSC Recruitment 2015 for 1655 Teaching and Officer Posts www.uppsc.up.nic.in: UPPSC known as Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has released the recruitment notification for the year 2015. It is inviting applications from the eligible candidates for the posts of Teaching and Offciers. There are total of 1655 vacancies. The applicants can apply in online mode from the official website of UPPSC www.uppsc.up.nic.in from 17th March 2015 onwards till 18th April 2015.
UPPSC is a Public service commission in Uttar Pradesh state. It is a State agency authorized to conduct the civil service examinations for entry level appointments for the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is good opportunity for the candidates who are resident of Uttar Pradesh. The head office is located at Allahabad. Applications are accepted only when the fee is deposited in the bank up to prescribed last date for Fee submission.
More details about the name of cadre, number of posts, application fee, selection process, how to apply, age limit, education criteria and important dates are prescribed in this website for the quick reference of candidates.

UPPSC Recruitment 2015 Details:

Name of organization: UPPSC- Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission
Location: Uttar Pradesh 
Total Posts: 1655 vacancies
Name of cadre and Number of Vacancies:
Technical Assistant Group 2- 1 post
Instructor- 2
Lecturer in Sociology- 1
Lecturer in Penology- 1
Physical Training Instructor- 1
Research Officer- 9 
Tracer- 3
Research Assistant Engineering- 3
Engineering Assistant- 2
Assistant Statistical Officer Dairy Development Dept- 3
Assistant Statistical Officer State Planning Institute- 19
Assistant Statistical Officer Industries Dept- 16
For remaining posts pleased refer the advertisement notification.
Education Criteria:
The education criteria differs from the applied post as below:
Name of cadre and Number of Vacancies:
Technical Assistant Group 2- B Sc or Msc or equivalent 
Instructor- Diploma in Hotel Management and catering technology
Lecturer in Sociology- Masters degree in sociology or equivalent
Lecturer in Penology- Masters degree in criminology or Psychology 
Education criteria for remaining posts are given in the notification.
Age limit:
The applicants should possess the min age limit of 21 years and max age limit of 40 years.
Hiring Process:
The applicants will be recruited through Direct recruitment. More information can be found in the advertisement.

How to apply:
The applicants who are interested to apply for the above mentioned posts can apply in online mode from the website of www.uppsc.up.nic.in from 17th march 2015 onwards till 18th April 2015.
Important dates to remember:
Start date of online applications: 17th march 2015
Closing date of applications: 18th April 2015

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