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Saturday, 21 March 2015

DLSC Recruitment 2015 For Various Gram Panchayat and Panchayat Samiti

DLSC Recruitment 2015 For Various Gram Panchayat and Panchayat Samiti www.malda.gov.in: DLSC – District Level Selection Committee has released the employment notification for the year 2015 for the posts of Gram Panchayat and Panchayat Samiti Level in Malda District.The number of vacancies are published in this website. So Interested and aspiring candidates can apply for these vacancies in the prescribed format before closing date 6th april 2015 from the official website www.malda.gov.in .
DLSC is offering the career opportunities for the persons who are interested to work under Malda, the district of West bengal . The selected aspirants will be paid an attractive salary and emoluments as per norms of government. The candidates will be selected for the following posts such as Executive Assistant, Secretary, Sahayak , Samiti Education Officer, Accounts clerk and Clerk cum Typist posts. The application process will be closed by 6th april 2015. The applicants should possess education criteria as prescribed in the notification.
More information about the name of cadre, number of posts, qualification criteria, age limit, selection process, how to apply and important dates and links are given under in this website.

DLSC Executive Assistant Recruitment 2015 Details:

Name of Organization: DLSC- District Level Selection Committee
Location: Malda , West Bengal District 
Name of cadre and number of posts:
Gram Panchayat Level:
Executive Assistant- 26 posts 
Secretary-7 posts 
Sahayak -117 posts 
Panchayat Samiti Level:
Samiti Education Officer- 3 posts
Accounts clerk -14 posts 
Clerk cum Typist- 10 posts 
Education criteria:
Gram Panchayat Level:
Executive Assistant- The applicants must possess bachelor’s degree from recog university.
Secretary- The applicants must possess HSC exam or equivalent.
Sahayak - The applicants must pass the madhyamik examination.
Panchayat Samiti Level:
Samiti Education Officer- The applicants must possess graduate degree or B Ed from recog university 
Accounts clerk - The applicants must pass the madhyamik examination.
Clerk cum Typist- The applicants must pass the madhyamik examination.
Apart from the above stated education criteria the applicant must possess required experience in concerned field.
Age Limit:
The applicants must possess age limit between 18 to 40 years are eligible.
Mode of application:
The applicants should apply in online mode from the official website of DLSC before 6th april 2015. 
Selection of candidates:
The candidates will be hired based on the written examination and viva voce conducted by officials of DLSC.
Important dates to remember:
Last date of online application submission: 6th april 2015
For detailed Notification available here
For official Website at www.malda.gov.in

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