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Thursday, 26 March 2015

SSCWR Recruitment 2015 For 38 Group-B and Group-C posts Apply Online at www.sscwr.net

Image result for SSCWR logoSSCWR Recruitment Notification 2015: Staff Selection Commission-Western Region, Mumbai has issued the recruitment notice for the recruitment of 38 vacant posts, and these posts are available in various designations such as wildlife inspector, library and information assistant, library and information assistant, technical superintendent (weaving), textile designer, vts console operator gr. ii, junior librarian, scientific assistant, field man, junior chemist, senior technical assistant etc, so to fill up these vacancies with suitable candidates Staff Selection Commission-Western Region is welcoming applications from all interested and eligible candidates so aspirants those who are willing to apply for these vacancies can submit the application form through offline such as candidates have to download the application form from the official website and send the filled application to the below mentioned address on or before the last date of 28th April 2015 candidates can download the application form from www.sscwr.net and for more details like age limit, educational qualification, application fee, application process, selection process and important dates are given below. 
About SSCWR: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has nine regional / sub-regional offices in different parts in our country. These nine Regional / Sub-Regional Offices are liable to conduct the various recruitment examinations. They give administrative support to the Headquarters for performing different activities involved in the smooth behavior of examinations. SSCWR head office is located at- Mumbai- 400020, Maharashtra. Phone No- : 09869730700/ 07738422705 & E-mail- sscwrselpost@gmail.com.

SSCWR Recruitment Notification 2015 Details:

Total number of vacancies: 38 Posts
Name of the Posts: Group-B and Group-C posts
Distribution of posts: 
Hostel Warden: 01 
Junior Chemist: 07 
VTS Console Operator Grade II: 09 
Junior Librarian: 01 
Taxidermist Grade-III: 01 
Technical Superintendent (Weaving): 04 
Field man: 02Court Master: 03
Library & Information Assistant: 01 
Speech Therapist: 01 
Wildlife Inspector: 01 
Senior Technical Assistant: 02 
Technical Superintendent (Weaving): 01 
Scientific Assistant: 01
Textile Designer: 02 
Field Inspectors: 01 
Age limit: candidates those who are applying for these posts age should be between 18 years to 30 years as on 1st April 2015 and age relaxation would be applicable to all reserved category candidates. 
Pay scale: selected candidates would be given a salary of Pay band Rs. 9300-34800/- + Grade pay Rs. 4200/- per month.
Selection process: aspirants would be selected based on their performance in the skill test and personal interview.
Educational qualification: candidates should satisfy the educational qualification as mentioned below.
Name of the post
Education qualification
Court Master
Graduate or its equivalent
Speech Therapist
Passed class 12th/ HSC or its equivalent examination along with Diploma in Speech Therapy course
Library and Information Assistant
Graduate degree in Library Science or its equivalent
Textile Designer
Bachelor’s degree in Textile Design/ Fine Arts or its equivalent
Technical Superintendent (Weaving)
Bachelor’s Degree/ Diploma in Textile/ Handloom Technology or its equivalent

Technical Superintendent (Processing)
Bachelor’s degree in Textile Processing/ Textile Chemistry or its equivalent
Senior Technical Assistant
B.Sc. in Agriculture/ Botony/ Zoology/ Chemistry with M.Sc. in Dairying or its equivalent
Wildlife Inspector
Bachelor’s degree in Science with Zoology
VTS Console Operator Gr. II
Diploma in Electronics/ Electronics & Communication/ Telecommunication Engineering
Field Inspector
Degree in Animal Husbandry/ Veterinary Science/ Dairying/ Agriculture or its equivalent
VTS Console Operator Gr. II
Diploma in Electronics/ Electronics & Communication/ Telecommunication Engineering
Scientific Assistant
Bachelor’s degree in Science with Chemistry
Passed class 10th/ SSC or its equivalent examination
Taxidermist Grade- III
Passed class 10th/ SSC or its equivalent examination
Application Fee: candidates have to pay application fee of 50/- for general category candidates and No fee for all female applicants, sc/st/ph and ex-servicemen candidates.
How to apply: all interested applicants have to download the application form the official website and send that filled application to the mentioned address on or before the last date of 28th April 2015 and the application envelope must be super scribed in bold letters as APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF :_________ CATEGORY NO. WR-_________ 
To Address:
To "The Regional Director, Staff Selection Commission (Wr), 
1st Floor, Pratishtha Bhavan, 101, Mk Road, 
Important date to remember: 
Last date for the receipt of application form: 21-04-2015.
Last date for the receipt of application form (for rural areas): 28-04-2015.
  • Official notification available here
  • Official website at www.sscwr.net

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