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Thursday, 26 March 2015

Gate 2015 Score Card Download March 27 2015 to May 29 Available at gate.iitk.ac.in

Gate 2015 score cards: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur is going to issue score cards to the participated candidates and make available on the official website at http://gate.iitk.ac.in from 27th march 2015 to 29th march 2015, all aspirants those who have taken GATE-2015 exam can download the score card from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur official website form 27th march 2015 to 29th march 2015, as we know IIT Kanpur has conducted the GATE-2015 on 31st January 2015, and 1st, 7th and 8th February 2015 in various centers across India and declared the results on 11th march 2015 and make available on the official website huge number of candidates those who have taken the exam have got qualified and all of them are ready to take admission in various affiliated colleges, universities, so in order to provide all details university is going to release the score cards and it is going to conduct the counseling in the coming months, so applicants those who have take exams are advised to follow this page for getting latest updates.
GATE 2015 counseling schedule: as the score card link will be remain activated from March 27 2015 to May 29, 2015. Candidates can also obtain the soft copy of the GATE 2015 score card after 29th march 2015 by sending a Demand Draft (DD) for Rs 500 in favor of Chairman GATE, payable at Kanpur to IIT Kanpur. Aspirants can apply for the soft copy of GATE-2015 score card till 31st December 2015 and after the completion of declaration of results candidates would be called for the certificate verification in the month of May 2015 and counseling would be conducted to all qualified candidates ion the month of June 2015. 

How to get Gate 2015 score cards: 

Candidates should log on to the official website of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur at http://gate.iitk.ac.in
Then navigate to the GATE-2015 block and click on it
The enter your GATE-2015 registration and roll number and click on submit option 
Next page will display your GATE-2015 score.
Then take the printout of your GATE-2015 score for counseling purpose.
Note: GATE 2015 Score will be calculated on the base of the normalized marks and the normalized marks will be calculated matching to the raw marks obtained by the candidates in these five disciplines.

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