PPSC Medical Officer Recruitment 2015 details:
Total number of available posts
Name of the posts
Last date to apply
404 posts
Medical Officer (General)
Name of the Categories:
- General: 167 Posts
- Sports Person, Punjab: 13 Posts
- ESM/ LDESM, Punjab: 43 Posts
- Freedom Fighter, Punjab: 03 Posts
- Orthopedically Disabled: 04 Posts
- Visually Impaired: 05 Posts
- S.C. ESM/ LDESM, Punjab: 19 Posts
- Hearing Impaired: 05 Posts
- Balmiki/Mazbhi Sikh, Punjab: 34 Posts
- S.C. Others, Punjab: 34 Posts
- S.C. Others Sports Person, Punjab: 06 Posts
- Backward Class, Punjab: 33 Posts
- Balmiki/ Mazbhi Sikh, ESM/ LDESM, Punjab: 22 Posts
- Balmiki/ Mazbhi Sikh Sports Person, Punjab: 06 Posts
- B.C. ESM/ LDESM, Punjab: 10 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates age
should be between 18 years to 37 years as on 01-01-2015 and age
relaxation is applicable as per the government rules.
Educational Qualification:
Candidates should have M.B.B.S in the relevant fields and candidates
must be registered with the Punjab Medical Council or with any other
properly constituted Medical Council in India and aspirants should have
the knowledge of Punjabi language.
Application Fee: scheduled
castes/ scheduled tribes of all states and backward classes of Punjab
candidates have to pay Rs. 1125/- and Rs.500/- for ex-servicemen of
Punjab, and Rs. 3000/- for all other categories such as OC and OBC
(including lineal descendant of ex-servicemen, Punjab) and Rs. 1750/-
for physically handicapped fee should be paid through any branch of
State Bank of Patiala.
Selection Process: Candidates will be appointed based on their performance in written examination and personal interview.
How to Apply: all eligible and appropriate candidates can apply for these vacancies through online from the website www.ppsc.gov.in on or before the last date of 09-04-2015 by 11:59:00 PM and send the hard copy of filled application
along with all self attested copies of certificates such as educational
qualification, date of birth, residence etc. and the copy of challan
form to the Office of Secretary, Punjab Public Service Commission on or
before the final date of 24-04-2015 by 05:00 PM.
Important dates for PPSC Recruitment 2015:
Last date for submission of online applications: 09-04-2015 by 11:59:00 PM.
Last date for submission of hard copy of applications: 24-04-2015 by 05:00 PM.
Last Date for Depositing the Application Fee: 17-04-2015 during Bank hours.
Official notification
Official website for more details at
Official address of PPSC:
Punjab Public Service Commission,
Baradari Garden,
Patiala- 147001.