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Sunday, 22 March 2015

NJGB -Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank Recruitment 2015 Assistants www.njgb.in

NJGB -Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank Recruitment 2015 Assistants  www.njgb.in: NJGB- Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank invites applications for the posts of Officers and Office Assistants from Indian citizens. It is a rural bank located in Indore. It has released the notification to fill up the vacancies with suitable candidates. 
It is inviting online applications from eligible aspirants who have been declared qualified under RRB CWE-III conducted by IBPS in the month of September 2014. There are 350 posts for assistants and Officers under Scale-I and II. Narmada Jhuba Gramin bank is located in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Candidates should have proficiency in local language is necessary requirement to apply for these posts. 
Hence it is good opportunity for the aspirants who are residing in the state of Bihar. The interested candidates can apply online by visiting the given link under from 24th March 2015 onwards till 8th april 2015. More details regarding the notification, vacancy details, selection process and important dates are mentioned under in this website. 

NJGB Recruitment 2015 Details:

Name of Organization: NJGB Gramin Bank
Location : Indore
Name of cadre and number of posts:
Office Assistant- 218 posts
Officers Scale I Common Banking Officer-10 posts
Officers Scale I -114 posts
Officers Scale I CA - 1 post
Officer Scale I Agriculture officer- 3 posts 
Officer Scale II Common banking officer- 3 posts
Officer Scale II Finance Manager- 1 post
Pay scale:
For Officer scale I- Rs 19400 to Rs 28100
For Office Scale II-Rs 14500 to Rs 25700
For Office Assistant-Rs 7200 to Rs 19300
Eligibility Criteria:
The eligibility is considered as per RRB Common written exam –III advertisement published in the employment news paper issued dated 28th Jane to 4th July 2015 and posted in the official website of www.ibps.in. Candidates should have proficiency in local language is necessary requirement to apply for these posts. 
Hiring Process:
The selection is considered as per the scores obtained in RRB Common Written Examination –III conducted by IBPS and their performance in Personal Interview for the short listed candidates.
How to apply:
Eligible aspirants are required to go to the official webpage www.njgb.in and apply online from 24th March 2015 onwards till 8th april 2015. 
Important dates to remember:
Beginning date of Online registrations in NJGB gramin bank: 24th March 2015
Ending date of Online registrations in NJGB gramin bank: 8th April 2015
Detailed Notification available here
Official Website at www.njgb.in

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