So the test takers are advised to download the admit cards from the
official website of PGIMER Chandigarh www.pgimer.edu.in to write the
written examination. The official notification for the recruitment is
already issued by the officials and lot of applications were received by
the candidates to appear for the examination dated on 29th march 2015
from 10 am to 11:30 am .
The procedure to download the admit card and test centres ate given below for the quick reference of candidates.
Procedure to download the admit card for PGIMER Examination 2015
Step 1: First navigate the webpage of PGIMER www.pgimer.edu.in
Step 2: Then click on “ PGIMER forthcoming examinations “ Tab from the home page.
Step3: Then click on the link named as “ Click here for Admit card generation”
Step 4: Another webpage will be opened by asking the below details
Advertisement No.
Application No
Advertisement date
Date of Birth
Step 5: Then fill up the above mentioned details and click on “Generate” Button
Step 6: The admit card will be generated for the reference of candidates.
Then candidates should take the Printout of Admit card to write the written examination.
Name of Posts:
1) Public Health Nurse
2) Clinical Instructor
3) Medical Social Worker Grade II / Psychiatric Social Worker
4) Security Guard Grade II
Important Points to remember:
Date of examination: 29th March 2015
Time : 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Reporting time: 8:30 AM
Center: Chandigarh
Venue In Detail:
1) Public Health Nurse- Post graduate Government college ,Sector 11 D , Chandigarh
2) Clinical Instructor- Post graduate Government college ,Sector 11 D , Chandigarh
3) Medical Social Worker Grade II / Psychiatric Social Worker-
Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 16 D, Chandigarh
4) Security Guard Grade II- Post graduate Government college ,Sector 11 D , Chandigarh
Detailed Notification:
admit card
Direct Link to Download Admit card for PGIMER