ITBP is a specialized mountain force . It is offering career
opportunities for Chief veterinary officers and Senior veterinary
officer posts. It is good opportunity for the aspirants who are
interested to work under this department. There are total of 6 posts for
the post of Veterinary Officers. The selected persons will get
attractive salary as per norms of ITBP.
More details regarding the number of vacancies, name of cadre, age
limit, education criteria, selection process, how to apply, important
dates and links are given below for the reference of candidates. For
government job updates visit www.govtjobsblog.in regularly.
ITBPF Recruitment 2015 Details:
Name of organization: Indo Tibetan Boarder Police Force
Total number of posts: 14 posts
Name of cadres and Number of vacancies:
Chief Veterinary officers- 6 posts
Senior veterinary officers- 8 posts
Selection Process:
The candidates for the above mentioned posts will be selected based on their performance in the tests conducted by officials.
Pay scale:
The selected candidates will be paid an attractive salary and emoluments as per the norms of ITBPF .
For Chief Veterinary Officer post- Pay band of Rs 15600 to Rs 39100 with Grade Pay of Rs 7600
For Senior Veterinary Officer post- Pay band of Rs 15600 to Rs 39100 with Grade Pay of Rs 6600
Age Limit:
The applicants must possess the following upper age limit : 56 years
Education Criteria:
The applicants should possess bachelor’s degree in veterinary science and animal Husbandry or equivalent are eligible to apply for the above mentioned posts.
How to apply:
The applicants can apply on the prescribed format by downloading the applications from the official website within 60 days from the date of advertisement.
Important dates to remember:
Date of Advertisement: 18th march 2015
Last date of submission of applications: Within 60 days from date of advertisement.
For Official Website at www.itbpolice.nic.in
For notification in detail and Online Application availaleble here
The selected candidates will be paid an attractive salary and emoluments as per the norms of ITBPF .
For Chief Veterinary Officer post- Pay band of Rs 15600 to Rs 39100 with Grade Pay of Rs 7600
For Senior Veterinary Officer post- Pay band of Rs 15600 to Rs 39100 with Grade Pay of Rs 6600
Age Limit:
The applicants must possess the following upper age limit : 56 years
Education Criteria:
The applicants should possess bachelor’s degree in veterinary science and animal Husbandry or equivalent are eligible to apply for the above mentioned posts.
How to apply:
The applicants can apply on the prescribed format by downloading the applications from the official website within 60 days from the date of advertisement.
Important dates to remember:
Date of Advertisement: 18th march 2015
Last date of submission of applications: Within 60 days from date of advertisement.
For Official Website at www.itbpolice.nic.in
For notification in detail and Online Application availaleble here