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Sunday, 22 March 2015

District Health & Welfare Samiti Purulia Recruitment 2015 For 27 Senior Treatment Supervisor at www.wbhealth.gov.in

District Health & Welfare Samiti Purulia Recruitment 2015: District Health & Welfare Samiti Purulia has issued the recruitment notification for the recruitment of 27 vacant posts and these vacancies are present in various departments such as of senior treatment supervisor (sts), laboratory technician (ictc), district assistant- accounts (dapcu), district assistant- accounts (dapcu), and counselor (ictc) posts so in order to recruit and fill up all these vacancies with eligible and appropriate candidates it has issued the employment notification and welcoming applications from all eligible and appropriate candidates, so aspirants those who satisfy the eligibility conditions can apply for these vacancies through offline such as candidates have to download the application form from the official website and fill it with appropriate details and send that filled application to the mentioned address on or before the last date of 10th April 2015, applicants can find the application form at www.wbhealth.gov.in and for other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, important dates and application process are given below. 

District Health & Welfare Samiti Purulia Recruitment 2015 Details:

Total number of available posts: 27 posts
Name of the posts: senior treatment supervisor (sts), laboratory technician (ictc), district assistant- accounts (dapcu), district assistant- accounts (dapcu), and counselor (ictc).
Distribution of posts: 
Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS): 14 posts
Dist ICTC Supervisor: 01 post 
Counselor (ICTC): 06 posts
Laboratory Technician (ICTC): 03 posts
Dist Assistant- Accounts (DAPCU): 01 post 
Dist Assistant- (M&E) (DAPCU): 01 post
Dist Assistant (Programme) (DAPCU): 01 post
Age Limit: candidates those who are applying for these vacancies age should be between 20 years to 40 years as on 1st march 2015 for all posts except Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS) i.e. for this post age should be 20 years to 65 years as on 1st march 2015.
Pay Scale: selected candidates would be given a salary as given below. 
Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS): Rs.16, 860/- Per Month 
Laboratory Technician (ICTC): Rs.13000/-Per Month 
Counselor (ICTC): Rs.13000/- Per Month 
Dist Assistant- (M&E) (DAPCU):Rs.12700/- Per Month 
Dist ICTC Supervisor: Rs.16200/- Per Month 
Dist Assistant- Accounts (DAPCU): Rs.12700/- Per Month 
Dist Assistant (Programme) (DAPCU): Rs.12700/- Per Month 
Educational Qualification: 
For Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS): candidates must have graduate degree (BA/ B.Com/ B.Sc/ from any recognized university)
For Laboratory Technician (ICTC): candidates must have graduate degree in Medical Laboratory Technology (B.S)
For Counselor (ICTC): candidates must have post graduate degree/diploma from any recognized university in psychology/ sociology/social work/ anthropology/human development/nursing.
For Dist ICTC Supervisor: candidates must have pg degree/diploma in psychology/ sociology/ social work/anthropology/human development.
For Dist Assistant- Accounts (DAPCU): candidates must have graduation degree in Commerce from any recognized University.
For Dist Assistant (Programme) (DAPCU): candidates must have graduate degree from any recognized University.
How to apply: candidates those who are interested to apply for these vacancies can download the application forms from the official website and fill it with all necessary details and send that application to the mentioned address on or before the last date of 10th April 2015. Candidates from Purulia district have first preference.

Official address:
To The Office of CMOH & Secretary DH& FWS
Ranchi Road Purulia.

Official Notification available here
Official website at www.wbhealth.gov.in

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