About PGIMS Rohtak: Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute
of Medical Sciences (PGIMS Rohtak) is established in Chandigarh and
about 70 km from Delhi. It is not only major Institution for Medical
Education and Research and a tertiary care centre for condition of
particular health care services not only to the people of the state of
Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Delhi and western U.P. PGIMS Rohtak head
office is located at-, Rohtak, Haryana.
PGIMS Rohtak Recruitment Notification 2015 Details:
Total number of available posts: 145 posts
Name of post: Senior Resident, Demonstrator
Distribution of posts:
For Senior Resident: 122 Posts
For Demonstrator: 23 posts
Age limit: candidates those who are applying for these vacancies age
should be between 22 years to 40 years as on 1st April 2015.
Pay scale: candidates those who have selected for these posts would be given a salary as mentioned below.
For Senior Resident: Pay band Rs. 18600-20100/ + Grade pay Rs. 6000/-
(Degree holder) Pay band Rs. 17440-18840/- + Grade pay Rs. 5400/- (PG
Diploma holder).
For Demonstrator: Pay band Rs. 18600-20100/ + Grade pay Rs. 6000/-
(Degree holder) Pay band Rs. 17440-18840/- + Grade pay Rs. 5400/- (PG
Diploma holder).
Educational qualification:
For Senior Resident: candidates must have MBBS degree along with MD/ MS/ DNB in any concerned subject.
For Demonstrator: candidates must have MBBS degree along with PG Degree/
Physiology/ Diploma in Anatomy/ Pharmacology/ Biochemistry/
Microbiology or its equivalent qualification.
Selection process: candidates would be selected based on their performance in the personal interview.
How to apply: all eligible and appropriate candidates can apply for
these vacancies through offline such as candidates have to send their application forms to the below mentioned address on or before the last date of 7th April 2015.
Official Address:
O/O the Assistant Registrar (Recruitment & Establishment),
Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences (UHS), Rohtak
Important dates to remember:
Last date for the submission of application form: 07th April 2015 up to 05:00 PM
Last date for the submission of application form for rural areas: 14th April 2015
- Official notification available here
- Official website for more details at www.pgimsrohtak.nic.in