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Sunday, 22 March 2015

BARC Recruitment 2015 For Cat-II Stipendiary Trainee Posts www.barc.gov.in

Image result for barc logoBARC Recruitment 2015 For Cat-II Stipendiary Trainee Posts  www.barc.gov.in: BARC- Baba Atomic Research center has released the recruitment notification for the year 2015. It invites applications from the eligible and interested candidates for the post of Category II Stipendiary Trainees under the department of Atomic Energy , Kalpakam. The dynamic, experienced and highly motivated candidates can apply for the vacancies in the prescribed format from the official website of BARC before last date 23rs march 2015.
There are total of 41 vacancies for the following posts such as Plant operation, Laboratory, Basic Science, Fitter, Electrical and Electronics Trades. BARC is a premier multi disciplinary Nuclear research center in India. It is good opportunity for the aspirants who are interested to work under this department. The selected person will get attractive salary as per norms of government.
More details regarding the number of vacancies, name of cadre, age limit, education criteria, selection process, how to apply, important dates and links are given below for the reference of candidates. For government job updates visit www.govtjobsblog.in regularly.

BARC Recruitment 2015 Details:

Name of organization: BARC- Baba Atomic Research center 
Total number of posts: 41 posts
Name of cadre: Category II Stipendiary Trainees
Name of trade and Number of vacancies:
Plant operation- 25 posts 
Laboratory- 3 posts 
Basic Science- 2 posts 
Fitter-7 posts 
Electrical –2 posts 
Electronics-2 posts 
The selected candidates will be paid an attractive salary and emoluments as per the norms of BARC as below.
Payscale of Rs 21500 for Technician C and Rs 18350 for Technician B posts .
Age Limit:
The applicants must possess the following age limit :
Upper age: 27 years 
Education Criteria:
The applicants are advised to visit the official notification carefully for the education qualifications.
For Plant Operation, Laboratory and Basic science trades- The applicants should pass HSC or 10+2 with min of 60 % as aggregate in academics and should have studied Physics , Chemistry and Mathematics as Main subjects.
For Fitter , Electrical and Electronics Posts- The applicants should pass either HSC with 60 % as aggregate with MPC stream or SSC with min of 60 % aggregate are eligible .
How to apply:
The applicants should apply in Prescribed format from the website of BARC and Submit the applications before 23rd March 2015. The applications received after due date are not accepted.
Important dates to remember:
The closing date of submission of applications : 23rd March 2015
For Official Notification available here
For more details available at official website at  www.barc.gov.in

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