AIIMS is Located in New Delhi and is established under the Medical
education in India. This time it is inviting applications from 12th Pass
candidates or equivalent from recognized institute. The entrance
examination will be conducted for the admission to the course of MBBS in
AIIMS, New Delhi and six other AIIMS in Patna, Bhopal, Jodhpur,
Bhuvaneswar, Rishikesh and Raipur.
More details regarding the admission process, how to apply, date and
examination centers, registration dates and links are given under in
this website for the reference of candidates.
AIIMS Entrance Examination 2015 Details:
Name of Institution: AIIMS- All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Other AIIMS:
There are six other AIIMS located at the following places:
Patna, Bhopal, Jodhpur, Bhuvaneswar, Rishikesh and Raipur.
Name of Course: MBBS
How to apply:
The interested applicants can apply in the prescribed format from the
official website of AIIMS www.aiimsexams.org from 17th march 2015
onwards till 10th april 2015.
Education Criteria:
The applicants should possess 12th standard pass or equivalent examination from recognized institute are eligible to apply.
Application Fee details:
The applicants are advised to pay Rs 1000 for general and Rs 800 for
SC/ST candidates towards application fee. The candidates can pay the
required amount of fee in online by using Debit/ credit cards.
Admit card:
The admit card will be uploaded on the official website of AIIMS www.aiimsexams.org from 16th may 2015.
Important dates to remember:
Starting date of Applications:17th march 2015
Closing date of Applications: 10th april 2015
Date of examination: 1st june 2015
Download of admit cards: 16th may 2015
Result declaration date: 18th june 2015
Examination timings: From 9 AM to 12:30 PM and 3 PM to 6:30 PM
Online Applications available here
Detailed Notification available here