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Thursday, 2 April 2015

District Collector Office Mahabubnagar Recruitment 2015 Disabled Backlog Posts at edistrictmanager.in

Mahabubnagar District Collector Office Recruitment 2015: District Collector Office, Mahabubnagar on behalf of Telangana state government has released the employment notification for the recruitment of 47 vacant posts and these vacancies are available at various departments such as junior accountant, junior assistant, typist, technical assistant, treasure, mpha, ld steno, attainder/ office subordinate, watchman, chairman, cook, watchman cum sweeper, kaamaati, lascar etc. so in order to fill up all these vacancies with suitable and appropriate candidates with eligible and appropriate candidates Telangana state government has issued the notification on 23rd March 2015 and welcoming application so all eligible candidates can apply for these vacancies through offline such as application would be downloaded from the official website and send that filled application to the mentioned address on or before the last date of 13th April 2015, where the application form are available on the official website at http://edistrictmanager.in and for more details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, application process and important dates are given below.

Mahaboobnagar District Collector Office Recruitment 2015 Details: 

Total number of available posts: 47 posts
Name of the posts: junior accountant, junior assistant, typist, technical assistant, treasure, mpha, ld steno, attainder/ office subordinate, watchman, chairman, cook, watchman cum sweeper, kaamaati, lascar etc.
Education qualification: 
For junior accountant: candidates must have Degree along with computer knowledge, type writing higher (both English and Telugu). 
For junior assistant: candidates must have Degree along with computer knowledge, type writing higher (both English and Telugu) 
For typist: candidates must have Degree along with computer knowledge, type writing higher (both English and Telugu) 
For technical assistant: candidates must have Degree along with computer knowledge, type writing higher (both English and Telugu) 
For treasure: candidates must have Degree along with computer knowledge, type writing higher (both English and Telugu) 
For MPHA: candidates must have passed SSC with occasion certificate in public welfare and sanitation. 
For LD steno: candidates must have Degree along with computer knowledge, type writing higher (both English and Telugu) 
For attainder/ office subordinate: candidates must have passed 7th class and candidates have to attach marks memo along with disable medical certificate. 
For watchman: candidates must have passed 5th class and candidates have to attach marks list.
For chainman: candidates must have passed 7th class and candidates must have experience in handling chain in fields.
For kaamaati: candidates can able to read and write Telugu/Hindi/Urdu/English language.
For cook: candidates can able to read and write Telugu/Hindi/Urdu/English language and candidates must have 1 year of experience in cooking.
For watchman cum sweeper: candidates must have passed 5th class and candidates have to attach marks list.
For lascar: candidates can able to read and write Telugu/Hindi/Urdu/English language. 
How to apply: all interested and eligible candidates can apply for these vacancies through offline such as candidates have to register their application through online and send the filled application on or before the last date of 13th April 2015.
Official Address: Assistant Director, Welfare of Disabled & Senior Citizens, Collectorate, Mahabubnagar  
Important date to remember: 
Starting date for the submission of application form: 30th March 2015 
Last date for the submission of application form: 13th April 2015
Official notification available here
More details available here at http://edistrictmanager.in

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