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Thursday, 26 March 2015

West Bengal WBPSC Recruitment 2015 For 411 Assistant Professor www.pscwb.org.in

Image result for wbpsc logoWBPSC Recruitment Notification 2015: West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has released the recruitment notification for the recruitment of 411 vacant posts of assistant professor and these vacancies are present in various departments such as history, philosophy, political science, Sanskrit, statistics, geography, microbiology, computer science etc. so in order to recruit all these vacant post with eligible and suitable candidates West Bengal Public Service Commission is welcoming application forms from the eligible and appropriate candidates, so aspirants those who satisfy the eligibility conditions can apply for these vacancies through online form the official website of WBPSC at www.pscwb.org.in, so aspirants are advised to fill the applications from 26th march 2015 to 10th April 2015, so all eligible west Bengal aspirants are advised to apply for these vacancies before last date and for more details like age limit, educational qualifications, application fee, and selection process, important dates and application process are given below. 

West Bengal WBPSC Recruitment 2015 Details:

Total number of available posts: 411 posts
Name of the Posts: assistant professor
distribution of posts among various departments: 
History - 38 
Philosophy -38 
Bengali - 38 
English - 38
Chemistry - 38 
Political Science - 38 
Sociology - 16 
Sanskrit - 8 
Economics - 2 
Santhali - 6 
Physics - 24 
Mathematics - 23 
Statistics - 2 
Physiology - 8 
Geography - 8 
Psychology - 2 
Geology - 6 
Zoology - 22 
Botany - 22 
Anthropology - 8 
Microbiology - 2 
Computer Science - 2 
Nepali - 4 
Nutrition - 2 
Education - 10 
Commerce - 6 
West Bengal Civil Service (Executive) officers, popularly known as WBCS officers, are civil servants of the state of West Bengal, India. They come to the service either on promotion from feeder services or directly. For the feeder services and WBCS (Exe) and other comparative posts Public Service Commission of West Bengal arranges competitive examinations in three phases every year. WBPSC head office located at- Kolkata, West Bengal. Phone No- (033) 2465-6804.
Age limit: Candidate’s age should be less than 37 years as on 1st January 2015 and age relaxation would be applicable to all reserved category candidates.
Pay scale: selected aspirants would be given a salary of Rs. 15600-39100/- + grade pay Rs. 6000/- per month. 
Education qualification: candidates must have good academic record along with 55% marks or its equivalent qualification and candidates must have qualified in any one of these exams SLET/ NET/ SET.
Selection process: candidates would be selected based on their performance in the personal interview. 
Application Fee: all general and OBC categories candidates have to pay application fee of Rs. 210/- + service charge 1% of examination fee subject to a minimum of Rs.5/- through debit/credit card along with service charge and no application fee for SC/ST candidates.
How to apply: all eligible candidates have to apply for these vacancies through online where the application forms are available at the official website so register the application forms from 26th march 2015 to 10th April 2015.
Important dates to remember:
Starting date for the submission of online application: 26th march 2015
Last date for the submission of online application: 10th April 2015

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