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Friday, 27 March 2015

South Western Railway Recruitment 2015 For 338 Act Apprentice Posts at www.swr.indianrailways.gov.in

South Western Railway Recruitment 2015: South Western Railway, Hubli has issued the recruitment notification for the recruitment of 338 vacant posts of act apprentice and these vacancies are present in carriage repair workshop, south western railway. So in order to fill up all these vacancies with eligible and suitable candidates it has issued the recruitment notification and welcoming application form all interested candidates, so all eligible candidates those who are interested get job in railway are advised to apply for these vacancies through offline such as candidates have to download the application form from the official website and fill it with essential details and send that filled application to the below given address on or before the last date of 24th April 2015 at 17:00 hrs where the application form are available on the official website at www.swr.indianrailways.gov.in and for more details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application process, application fee and important dates are given below.

South Western Railway Recruitment 2015 Details:

Total number of available posts: 338 posts
Name of the Posts: Act Apprentice
1. Fitter: 176 Posts
2. Turner: 20 Posts
3. Machinist: 15 Posts 
4. Welder: 87 Posts
5. Ref A/C Mechanic: 15 Posts
6. Electrician: 25 Posts 
Age Limit: Aspirant’s age limit should be between 15 years to 24 years as on the date of 24-04-2015 and age relaxation is applicable as per the government rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates those who are applying for these vacancies must have Matriculation and I.T.I certificate affiliated to NCVT/ SCVT is compulsory in any relevant trade.
Selection process: candidates would be selected based on their performance in the written exam and medical test and personal interview.
How to Apply: all eligible and interested candidates can send their applications form in a prescribed format and send that application to the below mentioned address along with two self addressed covers- size “11 x 5” duly affixing Rs.5/- postal stamp on each cover, two recent passport size color photographs duly signed along with self attested copies of relevant certificates and application envelop should be super scripted the post applied for and send that application to the mentioned address on or before the last date of 24th April 2015.
Official address: 
To be dropped in the Box kept in the Welfare Section of the Office of the Workshop Personnel Officer, Carriage Repair Workshop, South Western Railway, Gadag Road, Hubli-58 020 (KARNATAKA) on or before the final date of 24-04-2015 at 17:00 hrs.
Important dates to remember: 

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