Eligibility:- ITI
Job Location:- Chhattisgarh
Pay Scale:- Rs. 11500 – 26000/- Per Month
Last Date:- 16th March 2015
Total no. of Posts:- 5 Posts
Age Limit:- Only Indian Nationals who have attained the age of 18 years and above are eligible to apply.
Qualification:- ITI (Electrical) pass in Electrician trade from a recognized Technical Board/ Institute. The candidate must be physically fit to work on difficult terrain and to climb towers for carrying out maintenance duties on the towers and conductors.
Selection Procedure:- Selection will be on the basis of written Exam, trade test and Personal Interview.
Age Relaxation:- The upper age limit is relaxable for the following specified categories to the extent indicated below.
i) By 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST communities.
ii) By 10 years for PWD candidates.
Application Fee:- 200/- shall be payable by candidates belonging to General and OBC(NCL) category for the post of Junior Technician Trainee (Electrical) through a non-refundable Demand Draft, drawn in favour of ‘Power Grid Corporation of India Limited’ payable at Nagpur. Bank charges will be borne by the candidate. No other mode of payment i.e., Money order, Postal order, Cheque etc., is acceptable.
How to apply:- Interested eligible candidates should apply in the prescribed application format. Any other mode of submission of application would not be accepted. Application form duly filled in and signed shall be sent through ordinary post to THE DGM (HR)/ HOP, POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. WRTS-I, REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS SAMPRITI NAGAR, NARI RING ROAD, P.O. : UPPALWADI, NAGPUR, PIN CODE – 440 026 (MH)
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