NIA Recruitment 2015 For 35 Inspector and Sub Inspector Posts Applications From
NIA – National Investigation Agency has released the recruitment notification for the year 2015 for the Posts of Inspectors and Sub Inspector vacancies. The notification was released recently in the employment notification
dated on 10th March 2015. There are total of 35 vacancies for these
posts. All the interested and eligible persons can apply for the
vacancies in the prescribed format from the official website of NIA
before last date. The applicants who are interested to work in NIA
department can avail this opportunity.
More information regarding the recruitment process, age limit, education
criteria, name of cadre, number of posts, hiring process, how to apply
and important dates are given under in this website for the reference of
NIA Recruitment 2015 for Inspector and Sub Inspector Details:
Name of organization:
Location: New Delhi
Job Location:
The selected candidates will be posted to one of the below mentioned posts depending on vacancies.
Vacancy Details:
Name of Post
Number of Vacancies
Inspector 25 Posts
Sub Inspector 10 Posts
Qualification Criteria for the Posts:
For Inspector Posts- The officers of central or state or UT holding
analogous posts on regular basis. The applicant should possess
Bachelor’s degree from any discipline from recognized university.
For Sub Inspector Posts- The officers of central or state or UT holding
analogous posts on regular basis. The applicant should possess
Bachelor’s degree from any discipline from recognized university
Age Limit for the Posts:
Name of Post Upper Age Limit
Additional General Manager 53 years for E-7 Level
Additional General Manager 50 years for E-6 Level
Selection Process for Recruitment:
The applied candidates for the above mentioned posts are advised to refer the notification for age limits.
How to apply for the posts:
The candidates can apply in offline by downloading the application forms
from the official website The completely filled
applications along with the relevant documents should reach the
prescribed address within 60 days from the date of advertisement.
The applications received after due date are not accepted.
Important dates to remember:
Date of advertisement: 10th March 2015
Last date of receipt of Applications in NIA: within 60 days from date of advertisement
- Official website
- Detailed Notification available here