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Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Lakshmi Vilas Bank Recruitment 2015 For HR Security Officer

Name of the Posts:
1. Human Resource Professional
2. Security Officer
3. Chartered Accountant
4. Property valuer
5. Credit Processing Officer
Age Limit: Candidates age should be less than 32 years for S.No- 1, 3 & 4, 35 years for S.No- 2 and 62 years for S.No- 5 as on 31.03.2015 and age relaxation is applicable as per the government rules.
Educational criterion: Candidates should have graduation/ post graduation in HR for S.No-1 and Bachelor’s degree in engineering, such as B.E, B.Tech, having chartered engineer’s certificate or Income Tax approved valuer or Fellow of Institute of Valuers (FIV) for S.No- 4, graduation/ post graduation with CA for S.No- 3, graduation/ post graduation in any regulation for post S.No- 2, and graduation/ post graduation from any recognized University along with CAIIB/ CA/ ICWA will be additional qualification for S.No- 5. Applicants should have relevant experience.
How to Apply: all interested and eligible candidates can send their application form in an envelope and application should be superscripted with post applied for and send that application through courier to the Asst. General Manager, HRD Department, The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Limited, Corporate Office, Gundiy, Chennai on or before the final date 14-03-2015.
Important date to remember: 
Last date for the submission of applications: 14-03-2015

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