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Saturday, 21 March 2015

IIT Kharagpur Recruitment 2015 For 10 Professional Trainee

Name of organization: IIT K
Location: Kharagpur, West Bengal
Name of cadres: Professional Trainee
Name of department: Central Library in IITK
Number of posts: 10 posts
Selection Process:
The candidates for the above mentioned posts will be selected based on their performance in written exam and Interview conducted by officials.
Pay scale: The selected candidates will be paid stipend of Rs 10000 per month during the training period of one year .
Age Limit:
The applicants age limit must be below 30 years at the time of application.
Education Criteria:
The aspirants applying for the above mentioned posts must possess post graduate with first class in both B.Lib and ISc are eligible.
How to apply:
The applicants should apply in offline mode from the website of IITK www.iitkgp.ac.in before last date 31st March 2015.
The candidates can apply on plain paper by enclosing CV along with the attested copies of certificates.
The completely filled applications should reach the below mentioned address before last date.
The Librarian,
Central Library,
IIT Kharagpur,
Important dates to remember:

 The closing date of submission of applications :
  31st March 2015
 Detailed Notification
 For Official Website at 

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