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Sunday, 15 March 2015

Chandigarh CWC Recruitment 2015 Online Applications

Total number of available posts: 21 posts
Name of the post: warehouse assistant grade- ii 
Job location: Chandigarh
Age limit: candidates those who are willing to apply for these vacancies age should be between 18 years to 25 years as on 1st January 2015 and age reduction would be applicable to all reserved category candidates.
Educational criteria: aspirants must have passed class SSC/ 10th/ matriculation or its equivalent examination and candidates must have knowledge computer knowledge 
Pay scale: aspirants those who have selected for these posts would be paid Rs.8900-24320/- per month.
Selection process: applicants would be appointed based on their performance in the written examination and typing test which was conducted by organization.
Application Fee: all general/OBC applicants have to pay a nonrefundable application fee of Rs. 300/- (Rupees Three hundred only) through demand draft drawn in favor of the Regional Manager ,Central Warehousing Corporation, RO, Chandigarh payable at Chandigarh from any Nationalized Bank and no fee for SC/ST/PH applicants.
How to apply: all interested and eligible candidates can apply for these vacancies can submit the application form to the mentioned address such as 
To Regional Manager, Central Warehousing Corporation, Bay 39-42, Sector 31-A, Chandigarh on or before the final date of 10 April 2015 (upto 5.00 PM).
Important dates to remember: 
Last date for the submission of application: 10th April 2015.

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