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Friday, 27 March 2015

Central Water Commission Guwahati Recruitment 2015 For 40 Skilled Work Assistant at www.cwc.nic.in

Image result for Central Water Commission Guwahati logoCentral Water Commission Guwahati Recruitment 2015: Central Water Commission Guwahati has released the recruitment notification for the recruitment of 40 vacancies and these vacancies are present in skilled work assistant department at Assam, Guwahati. To fill up all these 40 posts with eligible and appropriate candidates it has given the recruitment notification and welcoming applications from all interested and eligible candidates so aspirants those who satisfy the eligibility condition can apply through offline i.e. aspirants have to download the applications from official website and fill that application with appropriate details and send that filled application to the mentioned address on or before the last date of 20th April 2015, where the application forms are available on the official website at 
www.cwc.nic.in and for more details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, application process and important dates are given below. 

Central Water Commission Guwahati Recruitment 2015 Details:

Total number of posts: 40 posts
Name of the posts: skilled work assistant 
Distribution of posts: 
For SC: 6 posts
For ST: 03 posts
For OBC: 11 posts
For General: 20 posts
Job Location: Assam, Guwahati
Nature of Job: candidates have to carry out any job of assistant and selected candidates would be posts in Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Tripura and west Bengal on contract basis. 
Age limit: Candidate’s those who are applying for CWC Guwahati recruitment age should be between 18 years to 30 years as on 1st January 2015 and age relaxation would be applicable to all reserved category candidates. 
Education Qualification: Candidates must have passed class SSC/10th/ ITI or its equivalent examination from any recognized board or university.
Pay scale: selected applicants would be given as salary of Rs.5200 – 20200 + GP Rs.1800/- per month.
Selection Process: candidates would be appointed based on their performance in the personal interview which was conducted by the organization. 
Application fee: candidates have to pay application fee of 300/- for all general and OBC candidates and no fee for SC/ST candidates.
How to apply: all interested and eligible candidates those who are applying for Central Water Commission recruitment 2015 have to download the application from the official page and send filled applications in a prescribed format to below given address on or before the final date 20-04-2015. 
To address: 
Superintending Engineer, Hydrological Observation Circle, Central Water Commition, CWC Complex, Behind Adabari Bus Stand, Guwahati-7810144 (Assam).
Important dates for Central Water Commission recruitment 2015:
Last date for the submission of application form: 20-04-2015

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