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Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Central Bank of India RSETI Recruitment 2015 Online Applications

Name of the Post: Director (RSETI)
Pay Scale: for every selected candidates will be given pay scale of Rs. 25000/- (Per Month)
Job Location: Sagar (Madhya Pradesh)
Age Limit: candidates those who are interested to apply for the above posts should be less than 65 years with good health.
Eligibility Conditions: candidates should have retired on VRS or on attaining experience with minimum 20 years of service in banking sector of which at least 15 years in Officer Cadre. Candidates should have worked as Branch Manager in any scale in a rural branch for minimum 3 years. Candidates should have perfect record and hold suitable service certificate as the previous employer. Candidates should be able read and write in the local language. Candidates should have retired from Scale-III and to be resident of the same State are mostly preferable.
Application Fee: There is no application fee is required to apply for these posts.
Selection Process: The eligible candidates would be selected based on the performance of the personal interview.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess graduate/post graduate degree from a UGC recognized University.
How to Apply: All the interested and eligible candidates can apply for these posts in prescribed format along with related documents in the application, super scribing “Application for the post of recruitment as In charge of RSETI on contract basis” to send to regional manager, central bank of India, regional office 7, civil line sagar M.P. application have to submitted on or before 23.03.2015.
Important dates to remember:
Last date for submission of application: 23rd March 2015
Official Notification and More details available here
Official website www.centralbankofindia.co.in

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