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Thursday, 26 March 2015

Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation LTD BVFCL Recruitment 2015 For 46 Management Trainee at www.bvfcl.com

Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited Recruitment Notification 2015: Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited (BVFCL) has given the employment notification for the recruitment of 46 vacant posts of management trainee and these vacancies are present in various departments such as instrumentation, materials management, civil, finance & accounts, legal, personnel & administration, chemical, mechanical, electrical etc. so in order to recruit and fill up all these vacancies with eligible and appropriate candidates Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited is accepting applications from all suitable candidates, so applicants those who are willing to apply for these vacancies can apply through offline such as candidates have to fill the application through online and download the filled application form the official website at www.bvfcl.com and send that application to the below given address on or before the last date of 8th May 2015 and for more details like age limit, education qualification, selection process, application fee, application process and important dates are given below. 
About BVFCL: after bifurcation from previous Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation Limited w.e.f. Namrup Fertilizer Complex, was renamed as the Brahmputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited on 1st April 2002 and it was located on Dilli river bank in the south-western border of Dibrugarh District in Assam. BVFCL head office located is located at Parbatpur, Dibrugarh, Assam- 786 623. E-mail- info@bvfcl.co.in. 

 BVFCL Management Trainee notification 2015 Details: 

Total number of available posts: 46 Posts
Name of the Posts: Management Trainee
Distribution of posts: 
Instrumentation: 5 posts 
Civil: 2 posts 
Chemical: 15 posts 
Materials Management: 4 posts 
Personnel & Administration: 2 posts 
Mechanical: 5 posts 
Finance & Accounts: 7 posts 
Legal: 1 post 
Electrical: 5 posts 
Age limit: Candidate’s age should be less than 30 years as on the date of 01.01.2015 and age relaxation would be applicable to all reserved category candidates.
Education requirement: 
Chemical: Candidate must have passed BE/ B. Technology level in chemical engineering
Mechanical: Candidate must have passed BE/ B. Tech degree in mechanical design
Electric: Candidate must have passed BE/ B. Technology level in electric design
Instrumentation: Candidate must have passed BE/ B. Technology level in instrumentation/ electronic devices design
Civil: Candidate must have passed BE/ B. Tech degree in civil design
Materials Management: Candidate must have passed MBA/ P.G Diploma in products administration.
Finance & Accounts: Candidate must have passed grad or its equal with certified CA/ ICWA
Personnel & Administration: the candidate needs to be passed pg level/ mba/ diploma in pm&ir/ hrm/ labor and social Works or its equivalent
Legal: Candidate must have passed LLB degree or its equivalent qualification.
Pay Scale: Selected candidates will be given Rs.8600-250-14600/- per month. 
Application Fee: all general and OBC candidates have to pay 500/- as application fee and SC/ST/PWD candidates have to pay 100/- and fee should be paid through bank challan on-line payment.
How to apply: All eligible and appropriate candidates have to fill application form through online and send that filled application to the mentioned address on or before the last date 8th May 2015. And the envelope cover should ne super scribed as “Application for the post applied for ____________ “ (name of the post) in capital letters
The HOD (Personnel), BVFC Limited, Namrup, PO: Parbatpur, Dist: Dibrugarh (Assam), PIN- 786623.
Important date to remember:
Starting date for the submission of online application form: 25-03-2015
Closing date for the submission of online application form: 17-04-2015
Last date for receipt of the hard copy of filled application: 08.05.2015.
Official Notification available here
Official website at www.bvfcl.com

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