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Thursday, 26 March 2015

Air India Recruitment 2015 For 435 Trainee Cabin Crew Apply Online at www.airindia.in

Air India Recruitment 2015: Air India Limited has released the employment notification for the recruitment of 435 vacant posts of trainee cabin crew and these vacancies are available in Northern, Eastern, Western and Southern Regions so in order to fill up these vacancies the organization has given the notification and welcoming applications from all eligible candidates, and this recruitment process is carried out on fixed term contract basis and selected candidates would be posts in any one of the region. So all eligible candidates those who are willing to work in Air India Limited may apply through online, where the application forms are available on the official website at www.airindia.in. So aspirants can submit their application form from 25-03-2015 to 14-04-2015 and for more details like age limit, educational qualifications, application fee, and selection process, important dates and application process are given below.

Air India Limited Recruitment 2015 Details: 

Total number of available posts: 435 posts
Name of the Posts: Trainee Cabin Crew
A. Eastern: 17 Posts
1. Male: 08 Posts
2. Female: 09 Posts
B. Western: 173 Posts
1. Male: 86 Posts
2. Female: 87 Posts
C. Northern: 206 Posts
1. Male: 11 Posts
2. Female: 195 Posts 
D. Southern: 39 Posts
1. Male: 02 Posts
2. Female: 37 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 18 years to 27 years as on 01-03-2015 and age relaxation is applicable to all reserved candidates as per the government rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed 10+2 from a recognized Board/institution along with 03 years degree/ diploma holder in hotel management and catering technology from any government recognized organization/Institute.
Height requirement and BMI: 
Male: Minimum 172 cms. 
Female: Minimum 160 cms. 
BMI should be as per CAR issued by DGCA 
Selection Process: applicants will be selected based on their performance in group discussion, PAT and written test.
Application Fee: all general applicants need to pay Rs.600/- and no fee for SC/ ST candidates, and application fee should be paid in the form of demand draft drawn in favor of, Air India Limited payable at their specified regions as mentioned in the official notification.
How to Apply: all eligible and interested candidates can apply through online from the official website of Air India Limited from 25-03-2015 to 14-04-2015 and after the completion of registration candidates must take the system generated filled application form.
Procedure to apply online:
candidates should have scanned copy of passport-size photograph and signature.
Then log on to the official website www.airindia.in
Then click on “Careers” option.
Then select the region and appropriate post enter your details and click on Submit option.
Click on final submit tab and take the printout of your filled application.
Important dates to remember:
Starting date for the submission of online application: 25-03-2015
Closing date for the submission of online application: 14-04-2015

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