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Thursday 12 January 2017

Working Place: I just didn’t feel at home

Expats all know by now that moving to a foreign country requires a great deal of change and effort to adapt to the strange culture – but what’s it like to return home and have to re-adapt?

Yasmin was born in England, but moved to France when she was 12. After 6 years living in France, she repatriated to England at the age of 18.

We interviewed her to discover what she found challenging when she returned to England, and how she coped.

 So, Yasmin, to start with, why did you move back?

My parents moved back and I couldn’t afford to stay in France on my own as a student. I took a place at the University of Southampton, but first spent my gap year working during ‘term time’ at Zara in Southampton, and visiting my friends and boyfriend back in France in the summer.

What were your biggest challenges upon returning to England indefinitely?

To be honest, the move was a temporary thing in my head. I felt French. I was in a relationship with a French guy and I had a life over there.

Coming from living in the countryside and Rennes, a warm, friendly student town, England appeared cold, dangerous and rainy. I didn’t feel at home, I just wasn’t comfortable.

Could you give me a specific example of trouble you had adapting?

Well, I didn’t feel like I had anything in common with people in Southampton. Everything was different: the people, the way of life…. None of the friends I made at Zara were actually English – they were French, Peruvian and Italian.

What did you do to help yourself settle back in?

To me, England only became a permanent thing once I’d settled in at uni and my boyfriend and I had broken up. Then what I did was make a bigger effort to find English friends with whom I had things in common. I suppose bonding over British cultural elements like ‘Gavin & Stacey’ and celebrity gossip helped me feel more at home.

Did any strange slip ups or mistakes happen when conversing in English for the first time in so long?

Yes – I was speaking English with French sentence constructions and pronunciation. I also had trouble understanding current slang terms and text abbreviations.

Do have any advice, or top tips perhaps, for those making the move back?

I would say, make an effort to engage with people, and find communities that understand your past so that you’re not forced to leave behind the things you loved about that life/country. For me it was ‘Frensoc’ (the French Society at the University of Southampton) who shared a love for France and a hatred for the complicated language.

For others, an idea might be to go to a certain restaurant or language class to meet people that have shared the same experiences as you.

It’s all about feeling part of a community and sharing a common identity.

The key, then, according to Yasmin, is to find something and someone you can relate to so that you can maintain your identity and settle in more comfortably. You don’t need to cut ties with your expat past, but rather find a way to integrate it into your life back home.

If you have any further tips or experiences you wish to share, let us know in the comments box below.

How to culturally adapt like a pro in Job

When moving abroad, many expats often underestimate how much culture shock actually impacts upon their mental and physical health as this often means changing cultural practices, values and norms. You’re always going to meet those annoying people who can adapt like chameleons to any situation and make it look effortless. However if, like me, you tend to stick out like a sheep in wolf’s clothing, struggling to adapt to a new culture can make settling into your new life abroad that much more challenging. Here’s a few tips and tricks that will get you blending in with the locals in no time.


Establish yourself
First things first, establish where you are on the Five Steps of Culture Shock scale. Are you still in the ‘honeymoon’ period of your new life abroad, or have you began to question every decision you’ve ever made while in the ‘rejection’ stage? Or maybe you’ve already reached ‘deeper adjustment’? Wherever you find yourself, being aware of exactly what it is you’re struggling with and why you’re feeling the way you do is the first step in helping you to overcome your difficulties.

Dress appropriately
Forgive me for sounding just like your mother, but this can actually be quite important, particularly if you move to a fairly religious country where a dress code is implemented. While most societies are more tolerant on foreigners, you’re not going to earn yourself any brownie points by waltzing around in short shorts and flip flops – regardless of how hot it is. You don’t want to be treated like the one person who didn’t get the memo about the party not being fancy dress…

Stop queuing
Or start. It depends where you go. One of the most stressful experiences I’ve ever had abroad has been queueing for ice cream in Venice with a bunch of Italians. As a true Brit I must have let about ten push past me before I’d had enough and went native. Equally, I have many foreign friends who are just as baffled by the UK’s obsession with queuing for everything, be that for the bus or the guy giving out free puppies on the street. While this may seem trivial, it’s surprisingly easy to offend someone by not abiding with correct queuing etiquette and it’s a small step that can go a long way in helping you to fit in.

Learn the language
Again, this may seem obvious but you‘d be surprised how many expats get by abroad with minimal knowledge of the language of their new homeland (this mostly applies to native English speakers because English is spoken everywhere, obviously). This is also the main reason why expats tend to stick together abroad; it’s a lot quicker and easier to make friends when you don’t have to double-check what you’re going to say at the start of every sentence, but making a bit of effort can go a long way and you may find yourself conversing with the locals in no time.

This also comes in useful when trying to get any admin done, as you can guarantee that whoever you encounter at the bank/post office/phone company that day won’t speak your native tongue, even if seemingly everyone else in the country does.

The world is your stage
You can act your way out of any situation, darling, and sometimes the best way to fit in really is to just ‘fake it ‘til you make it’. However, you’ll know if you’ve taken it too far when you grow a fancy mustache and start calling yourself Giovanni. First off, you’re not Daniel Day Lewis and most locals also love learning about other cultures so you don’t have to go completely method for this to work.

You shouldn’t have to lose sight of your own values and identity to fit in – when in Rome you don’t have to do everything the Romans do – but it has been proven that the more you mimic the habits and customs of the locals, the more you’ll find them come naturally to you.

India attracts many workers from abroad in 2017

As one of the most promising future world markets, India attracts many workers from abroad. Thriving IT centres such as Bangalore, Madras or Hyderabad, offer great career opportunities for expatriates.

Working in India demonstrates the willingness to work in a new culture and international market. As India’s importance in world economy increases, work experience in this country will become increasingly profitable.

Overview of Indian economy
India's economy is one of the largest in the world and the third largest in Asia. If it keeps growing at current rates, it will become the third largest economy in the world within the next ten years. Though agriculture is becoming less and less important, more than 60 % of the Indian population still depends on it.

However, the Indian economy is visibly changing. Look no further than the IT parks that have sprung up like mushrooms. Today, more than 50% of India's GDP is generated through services.

The Indian government has made huge efforts in terms of market liberalisation to attract foreign capital. Multi-national companies that were unable to invest in India 20 years ago due to strict regulations are now spending vast amounts of money creating ultra-modern infrastructure. However there are still many obstacles when it comes to doing business in India. This is why India ranks as one of the most difficult countries for business.

Booming sectors
India´s billion person market is one of the largest in the world. In terms of spending power, India is the fifth-largest economy in the world.

One of the fastest growing sectors in India is the IT-sector. Every year, many graduates from Indian universities enter the job market competing for the highest salaries. However demand in this sector is still high and likely to remain high. India has become one of the major exporters of software services within the last years, and around two thirds of worldwide off-shore IT services are based in India.

Engineering is another rapidly growing sector in India. As Indian companies start to expand globally, it becomes easier for foreigners to start their careers in India. Labour demand is especially high in the fields of biotechnology, aeronautics, auto industry and consumer electronics.

Positions in marketing and sales are also widely available. In international companies these positions are often given to foreign nationals.

Major companies in India
There are many multi-national companies operating in India, such as IBM, PWC, Goldman Sachs, ABN Amro, Microsoft, Unilever, Adobe and BP. Many Indian companies have also started recruiting expatriates. Examples for Indian companies are Tata Engineering, ITC, TCS and Infosys. You find more information on Indian companies on-line at www.fundoodata.com.

Job opportunities for expatriates in India
Since India has a huge supply of cheap labour, good education is the key to success. A western college or university degree is a major advantage and a few years of work experience will improve your chances of finding a job in India.

India's growing economy creates huge demand for highly skilled workers. While sectors such as IT are popular among young Indians, others face the problem of a lack of qualified labour. There are many education and professional training possibilities in India, but they cannot (yet) meet the demand of qualified people. This has created opportunities for expatriates who want to work in the education and professional training fields.

Upper management positions used to be filled with expatriates. Work experience in the West, especially in the USA, was seen as major advantage. Although this is often still the case, Indian companies usually prefer to employ indigenous staff.

Teaching English is always an option for expatriates and there are many jobs available at high schools, universities and at language schools. Being a native teacher with a TEFL certificate is usually enough to apply for a teaching job. If you want to teach at international schools you will need to meet additional education requirements. Positions at these schools are limited. There are also teaching positions available at institutions focusing on international culture. Many of these institutions train employees for India-based call centres.

Learning the language of the Indian region you want to work in is not necessary, as English is spoken in most companies. It will improve your chances of finding a job, however, and, eventually, of getting a promotion.

Indian Job market forecast where 8 sectors will react to note ban in 2017

The job story for the first half of 2017 is a mixed bag. The pharmaceutical sector will hire in big numbers while telecom and BFSI are likely to have pockets of robust hiring. The pace of hiring for FMCG and automobiles may slow down, but IT services could see a marginal increase. 

Ecommerce, which is maturing as an industry, is likely to grow in the long term. Experts see mid-size and small players in ecommerce having better growth and hiring plans compared with the bigger players. Varuni Khosla & Brinda Dasgupta report: 

1.Ecommerce | Startups 

The past year has been turbulent for the ecommerce sector, seeing a fair amount of consolidation and layoffs. Food delivery startups have been under pressure and have seen a drop in revenue. However, startups will continue to focus on profitability and customer acquisition. The bigger companies will push forward on business expansion following their annual strategy revisions around January-February, said Sanjit Banerjee, director of Experis, which is part of ManpowerGroup India. 

The July-October period saw large-scale hiring by ecommerce companies to make the most of the festive season. On account of the post-festival slump and demonetisation, hiring in the near term will be slow. However, roles in product and technology, frontline and analytics will be up for grabs. 

“Ecommerce is maturing as an industry with a better understanding of utilisation of costs and resources. More and more retailers are getting on to ecommerce platforms which will boost need for manpower and skills at the digital end,” said Kunal Sen, senior vice-president, TeamLease. 

2. Manufacturing | Auto 

Demonetisation has hurt manufacturing, especially the automobile sector. Sales of large equipment and machinery — many of which are in cash in rural areas — are seeing a drop. With the increased focus on automation, jobs are expected to take a hit. However, the situation may correct itself once there is more cash in the banking system. 

Growth, and subsequently hiring, will be slow as manufacturing and auto companies are taking a cautious approach post demonetisation 
“Companies in the manufacturing sector are increasingly grappling with the skill gap issue and are unable to find qualified, right candidates for open positions. Skill development of the enormous talent pool will act as one of the critical levers of growth,” said R AnandaKrishnan, senior vice-president of HR, TVS Motor. 

3. IT | ITeS 

The Indian IT/ITeS sector is poised to grow at a cumulative growth rate of 9%, according to figures from recruitment and staffing company Randstad. In FY16, industry body Nasscom expects the sector to add $20 billion to the previous year’s revenue of $146 billion. Companies will be looking to beef up operations, especially in areas like data sciences, algorithm design and cloud computing. It is still early days to say to what extent the anticipated changes in the US immigration and visa policies will affect the Indian IT/ITeS sector, especially in the short term. 

The Teamlease Employment Outlook report predicted a marginal increase in hiring from October 2016 to March 2017 compared with the previous six months. The focus on automation and upskilling may result in the loss of jobs largely related to testing. 

“We foresee at least 75% of the Indian IT/ITeS companies increasing their headcount in the next six months. The industry is expected to remain competitive, but would do well to remember that value proposition is necessary in order to maintain that edge,” said Moorthy Uppaluri, CEO, Randstad India. 

4. Pharma 

According to the report by KPMG titled ‘Pharmaceuticals’, the country’s pharma market is estimated at `2,40,000 crore, and is expected to grow at about 12% CAGR over the next three years. By 2020, India could be among the top three pharmaceutical markets by incremental growth and the sixth largest globally in absolute size. 

Large Indian MNCs are all set to bring in some foreign JVs and investments to scale their businesses. While this sector will see huge demand for sales and product specialist roles, the need for high-skilled R&D and innovation professionals would still be a challenge for the Indian market. There is likely to be a surge of hiring in the first half of 2017 as pharma companies seek to consolidate and address pipeline needs, say experts. 

“The government’s push to improve affordable healthcare, establish new institutes and medical education will definitely play a pivotal role in the growth of this industry in coming years. The economic environment is quite optimistic and conducive for business as well as employment in this sector,” said Rohit Varma, director-HR and chief people officer at Max Healthcare. 


Most incumbent players are expanding their networks in 3G & 4G and this growth is being accompanied by expansion of networks through fiberisation. According to a study by industry body GSM Association, India will be the fourth-largest smartphone market by 2020. The business growth of the industry in the last year has been in single digits. 

Companies will continue to focus on technology, digital technology and mobile app development, indicating that hiring will be strong. 5G technology in India is likely to open up new opportunities. Digital India initiatives are expected to give a fillip to telecom jobs next year. 

“We haven’t had any layoffs and hiring will be strong for us. Once there’s productivity improvements in the area of e-KYCs, there will be attrition in those areas and teams — vacancies of which will not be filled,” said Srikanth Balachandran, global chief human resources officer, Airtel (Telecom). 


The Indian FMCG industry is expected to grow 6.7% next year, say industry experts. In 2015, revenue from consumer durables sector in India was $9.7 billion, which is estimated to have increased to $12.5 billion in 2016, said a report by India Brand Equity Foundation. The industry faced quite a strain while trying to retain high-performing talent who were offered better packages from rapidly growing ecommerce ventures, said Michael Page India’s regional director, Nilay Khandelwal. 

Hiring will be muted. Over the years, brands like Aditya Birla, Spencers and Reliance have shut down their unprofitable stores and business lines have become more rationalised this year. But since this has already happened, there is no expectation of it happening in the near future now. Hiring for sales teams across levels for tier 2 and 3 cities will be constant, unlike for the top cities. There will be demand for digital marketing jobs and food services specialists, say experts. Hiring efforts will follow usual seasonal pattern and will depend on investment-run cycles. However, the effects of GST implementation proposed for April 2017 will be seen in 2018. 

“Hiring is on track. FMCG and consulting continuing to be top sectors across campuses and lateral hires. With the uncertainties now associated with the startup space, FMCGs with an entrepreneurial culture are preferred employers for young talent in sales and marketing,” said R Mahalakshmi, director-human resources, Mondelez India. 


The industry has seen large-scale layoffs recently, with Larsen & Toubro shedding 14,000 employees from its workforce. The infrastructure sector has also deeply felt the adverse impacts of demonetisation, as capital expenditures and cash flows have been affected. The business outlook may get further hit as infrastructure companies will look to cut costs and labour, especially in the unregularised workforce. 

Companies in this sector may increase headcount only marginally in the next six months. Randstad estimates the job growth at about 1%. However, better consumer confidence and buyer sentiment can have a positive impact. 

“There is a compelling need to skill the unskilled labourers in this sector, as otherwise automation is likely to eat away at a major chunk of their jobs. Initiatives like Skill India and greater involvement from companies in skilling their workforce will improve the job outlook,” said Vasudevan Narasimha, executive director-HR, KEC International. 


The financial sector is experiencing mixed emotions in terms of its growth. Post announcement of demonetisation, the sector seems to have been temporarily paralysed. The banking sector is a little slow, but NBFC (non-banking finance companies) will pick up in action in the coming months. Layoffs in MNC banks will slow the sector down in the short term due to uncertainty over the next quarter. 

All banks and broking firms plan to build large digital banking and financial research teams, resulting in hiring in related areas. A few layoffs will be visible with the MNC players. Payments banks are likely to get an unexpected boost; e-wallet and fintech will see 3-5 fold business growth. 

“Online lending and fintech are the new kids on the block and one can see a lot of action here. There will not be major growth in hiring focus in conventional business lines, but a lot of focus is on digital disruptions,” said Shiv Agrawal, managing director, ABC Consultants.
Friday 5 August 2016

Public Service Commission Recruitment 2016


Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) is inviting online application forms from willing and dynamic candidates for the recruitment to the vacancies of Section Officers on direct recruitment basis. As per requirement of Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC), Total no. of posts is 57. Job location is Punjab. For section officer posts, candidates will get monthly payment of Rs.10300/– to Rs.34800/- with Grade pay of Rs.5000/-. Application mode is online. Online application form commencement date is 20th July, 2016. Last date for online register process is 22nd August, 2016. The official notification of Public Service Commission Recruitment 2016 has been uploaded. Read full information for Public Service Commission Recruitment 2016.
Organization Name:

Public Service Commission Recruitment 2016 
Profile Name:

Section Officer Posts 
No. of Total Vacancies :

Pay Scale :

For section officer posts, candidates will get monthly payment of Rs.10300/– to Rs.34800/- with Grade pay of Rs.5000/-.


Online application form commencement date is 20th July, 2016.

Last date for online register process is 22nd August, 2016.
Educational Eligibility :

Qualification is graduation degree with minimum 60% of aggregate marks from a recognised university or Institute.
Age Bond :

Age limit must in between 18 years to 37 years as on the last date of online registration process. There is no relaxation in upper age limit for candidates belong to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates.
Application Fee :

Application fee for candidates belongs to SC/ST category is Rs.1125/- ; Rs.3000/- for Other Backward Classes; Rs.1750/- for all other category candidates.
Selection Process :

Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) department will conduct a written examination and personal interview for all category candidates.
How To Apply

Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) department requires application forms through online mode only. Online application form commencement date is 20th July, 2016. Last date for online register process is 22nd August, 2016.

A) To apply for Section Officer positions at PPSC, visit official website.

B) Fill online form with your details of name of the candidate, date of birth, education details etc.

C) Upload your recent passport size photograph and signature. Press on the button of submit.

D) Last date for online register process is 22nd August, 2016.
Document Needed For Online Apply :

Here some list of document that are necessary for online apply : 
Citizenship certificate 
Qualification Certificate 
Caste certificate 

Must Follow Tips : 
It is better to keep e-mail ID alive to receive call letters or Interview dates etc. 
Department will not responsible for the aspirants not being able to send application forms before due date. 
No need to send print out of online application form to the address of Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC). 

Download Advertisement/ Online Apply For Public Service Commission Recruitment 2016


ONGC Recruitment 2016


NEonline .in

NGC Recruitment for 400+ Graduate Trainees Post 2016

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) invites online application forms from all eligible candidates for recruitment by selection to the posts of Graduate Engineers in disciplines of Cementing, Civil, Drilling, Electrical, Electronics,Instrumentation, Mechanical, Production, Reservoir etc. Total no. of posts is 417. The posts are permanent. Application mode is online. Starting date to send online application forms is 28th July, 2016. Closing date to send online application forms is 10th August, 2016. ONGC selection committee will conduct an interview on September to October, 2016. The official notification of ONGC Recruitment 2016 has been uploaded. Any query and problem just comment in box below, we will contact you immediately. Read full information for ONGC recruitment 2016.

Organization Name:
ONGC Recruitment 2016 
Profile Name:
Graduate Trainees 
No. of Total Vacancies  :
Post-Wise Details
1. AEE (Cementing): 11 Posts 
2. AEE (Civil): 15 Posts 
3. AEE Drilling: 37 Posts 
4. AEE Electrical: 31 Posts 
5. AEE Electronics: 17 Posts 
6. AEE Instrumentation: 14 Posts 
7. AEE Mechanical: 52 Posts 
8. AEE Production: 75 Posts 
9. AEE Reservoir: 16 Posts 
10. Chemist: 30 Posts 
11. Geologist: 34 Posts 
12. Geophysicist (Surface): 29 Posts 
13. Geophysicist (Wells): 22 Posts 
14. Materials Management Officer: 23 Posts 
15. Programming Officer: 05 Posts 
16. Transport Officer: 06 Posts 

Pay Scale :
Selected candidates will get monthly payment, Please visit official notification. 


Starting date to send online application forms is 28th July, 2016.
Closing date to send online application forms is 10th August, 2016.
ONGC selection committee will conduct an interview on September to October, 2016.
Educational Eligibility :
Qualification is Graduate degree in relevant discipline with at least 60% of aggregate marks from a recognized university/institute.
Age Bond :
For AEE (Drilling/Cementing) posts, upper age limit for UR category is 28 years, OBC category is 31 years, SC/ST category is 33 years; For remaining posts, upper age limit for UR category is 30 years, OBC category is 33 years, SC/ST category is 35 years.
Selection Process :
Engagement would be based on Weightage of GATE-2016 Score (60 marks), Interview (15 marks), Qualification (25 marks). Total 100 marks.
How To Apply
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) requires online application forms only. Starting date to send online application forms is 28th July, 2016. Closing date to send online application forms is 10th August, 2016.

A)  Candidates are apply only through online mode for Graduate Trainee posts at ONGC. First you have to go on website link given below.

B) Check total information regarding these Graduate Trainee posts.

C) Fill with your details of name of the candidate, father’s name etc. Click on ‘Submit’ button.

D) Send applications through online mode from 28th July, 2016 to 10th August, 2016.
Document Needed For Online Apply :
Here some list of document that are necessary for online apply : 
  1. Attested photocopies of qualification certificate
  2. Birth certificate
  3. PAN Card
 Must Follow Tips :
  1. It is not necessary to send print out of online application form to department.
  2. Check all eligibility conditions regarding posts before applying online.
  3. Please check all details in filled online application form thoroughly before clicking on 'Submit' button.

Download Advertisement/ Online Apply For  ONGC Recruitment 2016

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Online Apply Here



Gujrat Public Service Commission Recruitment 2016

Online application forms are invited by Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) from eligible aspirants for filling up the vacancies of Account Officer, Commercial Tax Officer Positions on direct recruitment basis. Total available posts in Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) are 281. Candidates who will be selected for above positions, will get monthly salary of Rs.9300/- to Rs.34800/- with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-. Mode of application is online. Starting Date for Online Application process is 01st August, 2016. Last Date for Online Application process is 24th August, 2016. The official notification of Public Service Commission Recruitment 2016 has been uploaded and all details regarding these posts are given below. Read full information for Public Service Commission recruitment 2016.
Organization Name:
Public Service Commission Recruitment 2016 
Profile Name:
Account Officer, Commercial Tax Officers 
No. of Total Vacancies  :
Post-Wise Details

1. Account Officer: 150 Posts 
2. Commercial Tax Officers: 131 Posts 

Pay Scale :
Candidates who will be selected for above positions, will get monthly salary of Rs.9300/- to Rs.34800/- with Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-. 


Starting Date for Online Application process is 01st August, 2016.
Last Date for Online Application process is 24th August, 2016.
Educational Eligibility :
Qualification for eligible candidates must be Cost and Works Accountant (I.C.W.A.) OR C.A. OR C.S. from a recognised university/Institute.
Age Bond :
Upper age limit for eligible candidates must not exceed 37 years as on the date of 24th August, 2016.
Selection Process :
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) department will conduct a test/interview to select candidates for Account Officer, Commercial Tax Officer positions.
How To Apply
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) department requires online application forms only. Starting Date for Online Application process is 01st August, 2016. Last Date for Online Application process is 24th August, 2016.
A)  Candidates may log on to official website of Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC).
B) Fill the form with your details according to rules and regulations of Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC).
C) Click on submit button and take print out of online application form for further use.
D)  Send online application forms from 01st August, 2016 to 24th August, 2016.div>
Document Needed For Online Apply :
Here some list of document that are necessary for online apply :
  1. No objection certificate
  2. Qualification Certificate
  3. Birth certificate
 Must Follow Tips :
  1. Canvassing in any form Directly or Indirectly shall Disqualify his/her candidature.
  2. Filling of multiple application forms shall result in cancellation.
  3. Candidates should be Indian Citizens only.

Download Advertisement/ Online Apply For  Public Service Commission Recruitment 2016
Thursday 4 August 2016

Urgent Requirement - IT Head for Sowparnika Projects


Sowparnika Projects and Infrastructure Private Limited is a leading property developer in South India, headquartered in Bangalore with projects across Karnataka, Kerala & Tamilnadu. With a flow of awards in the affordable housing segment, Sowparnika Projects have helped hundreds of people realize their dreams of owning a house. Sowparnika Projects has achieved great ranking in construction history by providing truly affordable and high quality homes.

Please visit us at www.sowparnikaprojects.com

Job Title: Head IT - Bangalore

Job Responsibilities Include but not Limited to :
Installation & configuration of Windows ADS Designing and Implemented DNS, WINS on Windows platforms. RAID Implementation, Mail server administration & implementing new features. Backup and Restore using Windows Backup Tool. Data Recovery, Hardware and Software Troubleshooting. Spam / Virus Control and Protection. Installing & configuring Routers Configuring & Trouble shooting VLAN & NAT. Networking implementation across different platforms Taking care at Network & System Troubleshooting on daily basis. Configuring System & Network Hardware Devices. Installing & Maintenance of Wireless Network. MIS Report Preparation on Weekly, Monthly & Quarterly. ERP Implementation, Training and Functional Support for the modules like Procurement, Subcontractor Billing, Stores, Sales & CRM, Finance, Document Vault, Internet, Loan, Land and Ligation, Fixed Assets, Helpdesk, Preparing user manual for different modules. Coordinating with different vendors for any hardware and software related requirements and also maintaining the database of all the vendors. Email Id and Group Id creation in Gmail server. Email id configuring in different devices like Black Berry, Iphone & Android mobiles. Accountable / Responsible for successful delivery of solutions. Understand business challenges & translate them into process / technical solutions. Provide technical input during business requirement gathering and fit-gap sessions. Candidate should have minimal experience in heading IT department in Real Estate domain and meeting the above requirement may forward their CV to

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Job and Responsibilities:

o To generate business from appointed distributors /applicators as well as project business in territory
o Meeting Architects and consultants for building specifications and approvals.
o Achieving monthly sales target.
o Collection of outstanding payments.
o Market Intelligence on trends and competition.
o Attending and contributing to the Planning/Periodic reviews.
o Maintaining relation with Contractors, Architectures, Interior decorators etc. and generating leads.
o Developing new applicators and coordinate with existing applicators for ensuring proper product application and timely completion of jobs.
o Handling Promotional activities like Exhibitions, seminars , trials at customer level etc.
Quoting of tenders/ enquiries & the follow-up, handling Techno-Commercial discussion & negotiation.
o Follow up for technical clearance & product approval/Specification with consultants/customers.
Product presentation , provide Technical Assistance, Application Support and Solutions to Customer.
Note: Sales Experience in Waterproofing/ Construction Chemicals/ Construction
Job Type: Full-time
Salary: ₹30,000.00 /month
Required education:
  • Diploma
Required experience:
  • Sales Executive: 1 year
  • Business Development: 1 year

List of Minority schemes run by the Central Government

The Sachar Committee Report on the social, economic, and educational conditions of the Muslim community of India was made public. According to the Minority affairs minister (Independent Charge), Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, the current NDA Government is running numerous schemes for the welfare of minorities and continuously trying to improve the conditions of the community.

‘The Government endeavours to improve the quality of life of minorities across the country by implementing the ongoing schemes/initiative, meant for their welfare, and by taking necessary corrective measures as soon as they become necessary.’ he said in Parliament last season.

Naqvi said, ‘The government interacts with all the concerned stakeholders while reviewing any scheme meant for the welfare of minorities. This is a continuous process.’

For our readers, here is a list of schemes/ initiatives for the welfare of minorities:

1. Enhancing opportunities for education

a) Pre-Matric Scholarship
b) Post-Matric Scholarship
c) Merit-cum-Means Scholaarship
d) Maulana Azad National Fellowship
e) Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme for providing services through Anganwadi Centres
f) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and opening of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas
g) ‘Padho Pradesh’ –Interest subsidy on educational loans for overseas studies
h) ‘Nai Udaan’ –Support for students clearing Prelims conducted by UPSC, SSC, State Public Service Commission, etc.
i) Scheme for providing Quality Education in Madarsas (SPQEM)
j) Scheme for Infrastructure Development of Minority Institutions (IDMI)
k) Greater Resource for Teaching Urdu
l) Free Coaching and Allied Scheme
m) Schemes of Maulana Azad Education Foundation (MAEF) for promotion of education
n) Mid Day Meal Scheme
o) Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA)
p) Sakshar Bharat/ Maulana Azad Taleem-e-Balighan
q) Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS)
r) Block Institutes of Teachers Education
s) Women’s Hostel

2. Ensuring an equitable share for minorities in economic activities

a) Swarn Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (renamed as Aajeevika/National Rural Livelihood Mission)
b) Swarn Jayanti Shahri Rojgar Yojana (SJSRY) (renamed as National Urban Livelihood Mission)
c) ‘Seekho aur Kamao’ –Skill Development Initiatives
d) Upgrading Skill and Training in Traditional Arts/Crafts for Development (USTTAD)
e) Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs)
f) Restructuring of NMDFC and Loan Schemes of National Minority Development & Finance Commission (NMDFC)
g) Bank credit under Priority Sector Lending
h) Issue of guidelines for giving special consideration for recruitment of minorities.
i) Opening of new Bank Branches/ awareness campaigns.
j) Nai Manzil –An integrated Education and Livelihood Initiative for the Minority Communities

3. Improving the conditions of living of minorities

a) Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY)
b) Basic Services for Urban Poor (BSUP)
c) Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme (IHSDP)
d) Urban Infrastructure and Governance (UIG)
e) Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT)
f) National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP)
g) Multi-sectoral Development Programme (MsDP)
h) Waqf matters
i) Strengthening of State Waqf Boards
j) Computerization of records of States Waqf Boards

4. Prevention of control of communal disharmony and violence

a) Issue of guidelines on communal harmony

5. Others

a) ‘Nai Roshni’ –Leadership development of minority women
b) ‘Jiyo Parsi’ –Scheme for containing population decline of small minority community
c) Hamari Dharohar
d) Representation of minorities in urban & rural local bodies
e) Exemption of waqf properties from state rent control act
f) Appropriate training modules to be prepared for sensitization of government functionaries
g) Multi-media campaign for wide publicity of Government schemes/programmes
h) Annual Meeting between CWC and ASI and protection of Waqf monuments
i) Setting up Assessment & Monitoring Authority (AMA)
j) Setting up of National Data Bank (NBD)
k) Review of Delimitation Act
l) Dissemination of information in vernacular languages.

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